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Posts posted by aqwnbee

  1. Since our bylaws are first and then it revert to RR I believe the petition is allowed. The question really becomes what is a members rights or what rights do they give up if debarred from all rights of membership? The petition to look into the other members conduct  was given to the president by a member in bad standings. (Many people have been investigated in the past by this petition method) The president presented the letter to the investigation committee who did review the petition. The investigation committee gave their recomendation to the president. Now the member who the petition was about is saying that because the member who petitioned the committee was not in good standings he did not have the right to petition the president. Our bylaws are not specific in what exactly what you are disbarred from. Apparently our bylaws are written very poorly. I  am going to Barns and Noble tonight to buy the newest RR as we are depending on a very old copy. 


  2. This site is great and I thank you soo much for answering question... With that said... Is it a right of membership to bring someone up on charges? The bylaws say "all written petitions submitted to the president shall be investigated" It does not say who has the right to or that it is a right to petition the president. I welcome all exports out there to give there opinions. Thank you all!!! 

  3. A member who was not in good standings brought another member up on charges. Now the question is arising if that was allowed. Our bylaws are not specific on that subject. The bylaws say that all members not in good standing shall be debarred from all rights of membership. Is it a right of membership to bring someone up on charges? I could not find the answer in our version of Roberts Rules and I will be ordering the newest version ASAP. Any help would be greatly appreciated!   

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