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Heather S

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Posts posted by Heather S

  1. Thank you for the reply.

    Here's some background - in our By Laws:

    REVOCATION OF MEMBERSHIP Members may have their membership cancelled at the discretion of the Board of Directors under the following conditions:

    a) Failure to pay prescribed dues or assessments by the defined deadline for receipt and 30 day in arrears from date of second notice; to be posted at the Clubhouse.

    b) On complaint of misconduct or dishonorable action made in writing to the Board of Directors by at least three (3) members of the Club.

    Such complaint must be acted by the Board of Directors by directing the Secretary to give written notice to the accused member at least ten (10) days prior to a Board of Directors Meeting called to take action on the charges, at which the accused member will be given full opportunity to be heard. Membership cancellation shall therefore be considered, and only an affirmative vote of five (5) of the seven (7) Board members, shall the cancellation be made effective and the member under review be notified thereof in writing.

    Two Board members signed the petition, which does include 12 other signatures. 

    The question is - can they void out their signatures? 

  2. Our Bylaws state: "The Nominating Committee selects nominees to replace retiring members of the Board of Directors and posts the list on the bulletin board 2 weeks before the AGM.

    Additional nominees may be made by any 10 members in good standing by a petition signed by such members naming the nominees. Such petition list of nominees shall be posted on the bulletin board at least 5 days before the AGM."

    My question is: should this happen, (has not in the past few years) how would we go about selecting the Board by having multiple lists?


    Thank you.

  3. Five of seven 2017 Board members resigned, including the President and Vice President.  in our club by-laws, the immediate past president serves as a non-voting member for a year.

    Does the President who resigned now be known as the immediate past president?  Does she get to assume this role as she did not complete her term?  and what happens to the immediate past president who completed her term in 2016?  Do we have two(2) immediate past presidents? 

    thank you very much.



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