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Posts posted by Setemu

  1. My assembly has had a few instances where documents instating or amending policy, which are recommended by a committee, have been moved for adoption and contain errors that appear to be of the nature of copyedits—whether a missing word or punctuation, a misspelling, or of accidentally using policy terms no longer used by the assembly. Sometimes these needed edits seem insubstantial, for example, there are two consecutive “the”s, and one needs to be stricken. Sometimes the substantiality of the edit is not immediately clear, like the insertion of a comma or adding a conforming amendment to the recommendation. Other times, there is a single word accidentally omitted that has significant consequences to the interpretation of the language.

    My general understanding is that if the needed amendment is something as simple as a misspelling or a duplicate indefinite article, the secretary can just make the edit; but, anything else, including conforming amendments to make language consistent across documents, needs to be done (a) either by the assembly through the amendment process, or (b) the document has to be sent back to committee for that work to be done and then to be re-introduced to the assembly. Some of the assembly members are unhappy with this and would like a means by which they can adopt the amendment, in any of the above cases, with a proviso or general instruction such that both (a) and (b) above are obviated; for example, a motion “to adopt the recommended policy with the proviso that the language is updated to reflect current policy terms in use.”  

    Would you recommend something like this? Only in some cases and not others?

  2. The question I read the OP making is: does an assembly need a formal trial to impose (even a relatively minor) penalty?

    p. 644 states that "formal disciplinary measures should generally be regarded as a drastic step reserved for serious situations (ll. 8-10). RONR states that conduct which "tend to injure the good nature of the organization, disturb its well-being, or hamper it in its work" is a serious office. At the same time, RONR goes on to say "It is usually in the best interests of the organization first to make every effort to obtain a satisfactory solution of the matter quietly and informally" (ibid, ll. 11-12). So,  It still seems to be that if a formal solution is desired, the only remaining option is to initiate formal disciplinary measures, either by formal trial or by investigation of a Committee on Discipline, unless there are superseding rules to the contrary. But, if the assembly wishes to "obtain a satisfactory solution of the matter quietly and informally", then no, no formal proceedings are needed to impose a penalty. All of that said, it seems to me that any act that would make the assembly require a formal apology or suspend a member's rights (examples given in the original question) would seem to me serious enough to require a formal proceeding.

  3. My understanding is that unless there are special rules, bylaws, statutory laws, etc. that supersede the parliamentary authority, than the parliamentary authority provides the rules to follow. In this case, assuming RONR is a adopted parliamentary authority, that means Chapter 20 is necessary unless other rules have been adopted. I would guess that the type of situation you are describing is one reason RONR includes the final paragraph of that chapter, namely p. 669, ll. 32-36:

    "...having a Committee on Discipline has the advantages of not unduly inconveniencing the society, and of promoting the avoidance of scandal and the settlement of disciplinary problems without an actual trial" [emphasis added].

  4. I might also add that RONR gives to the presiding officer the prerogative of ruling on all questions of order, subject to appeal by the assembly. I have seen an instance where an assembly believes that RONR grants the parliamentarian some authority to rule on questions of order. But this is not the case. I say all of this this to underscore and extend what Mr. Martin stated: the Parliamentarian's role is only advisory; so, it would indeed be odd for the President, as presiding officer, to be his official advisor to himself.


    RONR states that "a particular practice may sometimes come to be followed as a matter of established custom so that it is practically treated as if it were prescribed by rule. If there is no contrary provision in the parliamentary authority or written rules of the organization, the established custom should be adhered to unless the assembly, by majority vote, agrees in a particular instance to do otherwise. However, if a customary practice is or becomes in conflict with the parliamentary authority or any written rule, and a Point of Order citing the conflict is raised at any time, the custom falls to the ground, and the conflicting provision in the parliamentary authority or written rule must thereafter be complied with." (RONR p. 19. ll. 1-15).

    It sounds to me that oath-taking as a requirement for assuming duties has been a customary practice treated practically as a rule. It sounds like the member would like to raise a Point of Order insisting on the oath, and the chair of the board should then rule on the Point of Order. It should be noted that this would not be a Point of Order citing a conflict but rather a Point of Order insisting on following customary practice which has been treated as a rule. As such, the custom does not fall to the ground by virtue of raising this particular Point of Order. However, given the logic provided by Mr. Katz, which I agree with, the chair would need to rule that the Point of Order is not well taken, citing a conflict between custom and the parliamentary authority.  At that time, the custom as a whole would fall to the ground, and as such no one thereafter would be required to take an oath prior to assuming responsibilities office (this does not mean that no one ever takes an oath, only that it is is not required to assume responsibilities). If another member then insists that the oath should be taken prior to assuming responsibilities, that member (or anyone else who would agree) should move to amend the by-laws (2/3-vote required) to state that.

    [I'll need the heavy-hitters here to check me especially on this one:] If the chair is in doubt as to how to rule, the chair may submit the Point of Order to a vote of the board, through which the board may insist on the oath-taking for the person in question, or the board may in this case decide that the member does not need to take the oath prior to assuming duties, leaving the general customary practice alone until that point at which someone raises a Point of Order citing the conflict, or the custom is codified in the by-laws.


  6. 2 hours ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

    I suggest that you take a careful look at SDC 6 for the motions to Rescind and to Amend Something Previously Adopted (RONR, 11th ed., p. 306), and what is said on pages 307-308 regarding amendment of such motions which go beyond the scope of notice given regarding their proposed amendment.

    I had read that, but I think I misread this critical line in SDC 6, which I believe now clears up my remaining confusion: "Thus, a motion to Rescind can be amend, for example, by substituting for it a motion to amend what is proposed to be rescinded." Thank you all for pointing me in the right direction. I seem to be finding myself in situations lately that require me to draw from  the finer and, perhaps, more rarely drawn upon points of procedure, and I am not yet at the level where those are close to being mastered.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Richard Brown said:

    A motion to amend something previously adopted is a main motion (actually, an incidental main motion.  It is a "bring back" motion).  It is just like a motion to amend the bylaws.  It is a main motion.  See pages 74-77 and also 305-310.

    Thank you Mr. Brown. I had read those sections but unfortunately they did not bring any additional clarity. Let me see if I can provide an example:

    Last meeting, an assembly adopts a paragraph motion about the planning of events, which includes the motion "that all events must be done in pastel colors." At the next meeting, Member A says that the events committee was out to purchase paint and was unable to confidently ascertain what counts for a pastel color, so Member A member moves "to amend the motion 'that all events must be done in pastel colors' by adding the words 'produced by The Pastel Paint Company' after the word 'colors'"?

    At this point, what is considered the main motion, the motion "all events must be done in pastel colors" or the motion "to amend the motion 'that all events must be done in pastel colors' by adding the words 'produced by The Pastel Paint Company' after the word 'colors'"?

    If I understand what you are saying above, the latter of the two is considered the main motion, and if it is referred to committee, the committee can consider any amendment to to motion referred (p. 176, ll. 20-24). Yet in this case, the motion referred would be an amendment to the original multi-paragraph motion brought back before the assembly, and so I understand that the committee can only consider amendments to that amendment, which I take to mean the committee can only consider amending the motion "'that all events must be done in pastel colors' by adding the words 'produced by The Pastel Paint Company' after the word 'colors", and it is not free to consider amending other parts of the multi-paragraph motion regarding the planning of events, even if the question regarding pastel colors might best be addressed by also amending other parts of the multi-paragraph motion.


  8. Colleagues--

    A motion is made to amend something previously adopted. A rationale is provided for the amendment, pointing to a general problematic issue in the previously adopted motion, and the amendment is moved and seconded. During debate, a motion is made to refer the question to a standing committee whose charges include making recommendations on the subject of the motion to be amended.

    1) Is the motion to amend something previously adopted considered a main motion (I ask, because the motion to amend is typically a subsidiary motion)? Is the main motion the question being brought back before the assembly in order to amend or is it the amendment itself?

    2) Am I correct that any secondary motion to commit in this case must be to commit the amendment itself (see below for comparison)?

    3) If the intent of the motion to commit is not to commit the exact amendment but to refer the general issue the amendment seeks to address for the sake of reporting on recommended motions, is that motion to commit considered a separate main motion, or can it still be considered secondary to the main motion to ASPA (in other words, again, is the main question the original motion or the amendment itself)?

    3) If the amendment itself is referred, then is it also correct that, given the committee's duties include considering the general issue the amendment seeks to address, the committee can both a) amend the referred amendment under as stated under the principle of freedom of action after referral and also b) recommend a second, alternative motion to address the general issue at hand? 

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  9. 15 hours ago, Guest Zev said:

    In this particular case the full power appears to have been granted via a motion. Had the full power been granted via a bylaw provision, it is my understanding that the assembly could not countermand the committee's decision. You might want to confirm this.

    I think that the OI Mr. Brown referenced (http://www.robertsrules.com/interp_list.html#2006_13) would indicate that even a board given full power and authority to do something in the by-laws (in that OI, the powers the board is given would seem to be standard ones written in by-laws), their actions can nonetheless be countermanded.

  10. 2 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

    Your use of the phrase "If a committee is charged (but not given "full power") to take particular action. . . ." is confusing.  The committee either does or does not have "power" to act on the items within the scope of its charge.   See, for example, the following language on page 490:  "When a committee is appointed "with power," this means with power to take all the steps necessary to carry out its instructions."  See also page 172.


    2 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

    See Official Interpretation 2006-13.   http://www.robertsrules.com/interp_list.html#2006_13

    This OI is quite germane and helpful. It not only gives guidance on my original question in this post but also helps me clear up some confusion regarding what it means for the assembly's oversight of a committee when a committee is appointed "with power". Thank you.


    1 hour ago, jstackpo said:

    We can save the debate about "withdrawing" an endorsement vs rescinding it for another time.

    I agree about changing the paint color before it is applied, but suppose the committee had already bought the orange and green paint (custom mixed colors so cannot be returned for credit) then amending the colors would involve an additional expense (white/red paint) -- that goes beyond "amending" it seems to me.  Including the additional cost in the amendment (orange/green to white/red) would go beyond the scope of the original motion. So I suppose a 2/3 vote could do it.

    I guess this is a reason why a committee might want hold a hearing, or make a report on color choice before purchasing paint, if the committee thinks there might be any disagreement with the assembly over the colors 😉 .  It does seem like 2/3-vote would be most appropriate, and I guess it would be up to the assembly to decide whether they want to waste the money on tossing out the mixed paint colors when they consider the ASPA/Rescind motion.

  11. If a committee is charged (but not given "full power") to take particular actions on behalf of the assembly, and the committee acts on that charge within the proper scope of that charge, but the assembly disagrees with a particular action already taken in accordance with that charge, can the assembly countermand the action? If not, are there any other options available aside from further instructions or amending the charges for the future?

  12. Hello, friends--

    First, thank you all for the help you've provided me in the past; it has been indispensable to helping me fulfill the duties of parliamentarian for my society. I have what I think is a very quick, non-urgent question. I have looked through RONR 11th and can't seem to find a direct answer to this:

    If the procedure for the appointment of chairs of standing committees is not established in the by-laws (or anywhere else for that matter), and the committee chair's seat vacates after the initial appointment of a chair (for example, when the committee chair's term is up), is the assumed procedure:

    A) The empty seat remains a chair's seat per se, and the assembly appoints the committee chair specifically,

    B) The assembly appoints someone to the committee to fill what becomes non-specific seat, and the committee itself then appoints the new chair, 

    C) The assembly appoints someone to what becomes a non-specific seat and then appoints the new chair from that committee, or

    D) Something else (if so, what?)


    Thank you in advance!

  13. 1 hour ago, Josh Martin said:

    Thank you for the clarification. Based on these additional facts, I believe it is not in order to create the subcommittee in question. In my view, the rule in question also applies to standing subcommittees, especially when those subcommittees are established in the bylaws...

    ...the organization made that call when it established certain standing subcommittees in the bylaws. It may be worth considering amending the bylaws so that the subcommittees of the Convention Committee are not enumerated, so that it has the flexibility to divide its work as the specific situation requires. In the interim, however, it is not in order to appoint a special subcommittee to review a particular aspect of the bylaws when there is already a standing subcommittee to review the bylaws as a whole. A “sub-subcommittee” of the bylaws committee could, however, be created.

    Another thing to think about is whether the bylaws committee should be a subcommittee of the Convention Committee rather than a standing committee in its own right, which would be the usual arrangement. (Although it is not entirely clear whether these committees are actually reviewing the convention standing rules, due to the term “bylaws of the convention.”)

    This really is the heart of the matter. My intuition accorded with your understanding, but I couldn't quite get clear on all the reasoning without everyone's questions and analysis here. Thank you all. I think I have a clear understanding of how to proceed.

    I think the relationships among the bodies here might best be described this way: there is an organization with standing committees enumerated in its by-laws. One of those standing committees is charged in the bylaws with establishing a subcommittee to annually review the by-laws of the organization. That same standing committee wants to also establish an an hoc subcommittee, not established in the bylaws, to review the committee structure of the organization, specifically. It seems to me by what has been said here is that the conclusion is the same: considering the bylaws establish a specific subcommittee for reviewing and making recommendations regarding the bylaws (the bylaws establishing the committee structure of the assembly among other things), the RONR rule cited in the original post applies (at least according to Mr. Martin's reasoning), and the ad hoc committee to specifically review the committee structure is prohibited, because that body would be undertaking a task already assigned to another body in the bylaws (regardless, in Mr. Martin's reasoning, if the bodies in question are committees, subcommittees, or a combination thereof). The other way to look at it, is along the lines of what Guest Zev suggested: these two subcommittees are instruments of the same parent committee, and that single parent committee may assign tasks to subcommittees as it sees fit. While I think Guest Zev's suggestion would make for the easiest resolution in my particular case, and I find it has some purchase, I tend to agree with Mr. Martin that it is nonetheless prohibited considering the by-laws already establish a specific subcommittee with the general task of reviewing the by-laws, which include the committee structure. The best long term solution is probably what Mr. Martin has suggested: to amend the bylaws to provide more flexibility to the standing committee in question.

  14. 4 hours ago, Josh Martin said:

    Yes, I believe that the rule in question also applies to standing subcommittees. If your bylaws provide, however, that such a special committee is to be appointed, that would take precedence over the rule in RONR on this subject. It is not clear from your post whether the special subcommittee you referred to is called for in the bylaws or if it is simply something the convention committee has decided to do.

    My understanding is that one of the subcommittees reviews only certain aspects of the bylaws, so if both of these provisions are indeed in the bylaws, the specific vs. general rule would seem to resolve the conflict.

    The special (ad hoc) subcommittee of the Convention Committee is being appointed by the Convention Committee itself to review certain aspects of the bylaws, and this subcommittee is not established in the bylaws. The standing subcommittee of the Convention Committee is charged with annually reviewing all of the bylaws, and this subcommittee is established in the bylaws. By my lights, the subcommittee not established in the bylaws cannot be established to take up the task of reviewing and making recommendations on a selection of the bylaws if there is already an established subcommittee (of the same parent committee) charged with reviewing and making recommendations on all of the bylaws annually.

    I think the intent here is to take some of the burden off of the bylaws committee, because they Convention Committee wants extensive work done reviewing the committee structure, and they want a specialized group to do that.

    Part of my confusion is that we are dealing with subcommittees within the same standing committee, and it seems to me that there is a lot of leeway in terms of how committees decide to use subcommittees (aside from, of course, what is enumerated int he bylaws). Does it make any sense for the by-laws subcommittee to create an ad hoc subcommittee of itself instead of the parent committee establishing a second subcommittee with redundant functions? Or does RONR not allow for subcommittees of subcommittees?

    I hope that all makes the situation clearer.

  15. RONR states "A special committee may not be appointed to perform a task that falls within the assigned function of an existing standing committee." (492, ll. 6-9).

    Situation: The by-laws state that The Convention Committee will annually appoint a subcommittee to review the bylaws of the convention (the parent committee is also responsible for securing a venue and the like). The Convention Committee, in addition to the bylaws subcommittee, appoints an ad hoc subcommittee to review the committee structure of the convention specifically, which are enumerated in the by-laws.

    Question: Considering there is already a subcommittee that reviews the by-laws generally, does the cited passage in RONR above preclude the appointment of the special committee from the same parent committee?

  16. Pages 97-99 states "Except as authorized in the bylaws, the business of an organization or board can validly transacted only at a regular or properly called meeting, [which is] a single official gathering in one room or area..." (emphasis original). It is my understanding that if a meeting is not a "meeting" as defined in RONR, any decision made at said meeting is null and void. If we assume the bylaws in question do not authorize electronic meetings, how then can a vote be binding from such a meeting, if there never was a "meeting" properly understood to begin with? By my lights and by the criteria on pp. 250-251, the violation is at  point "d", specifically fundamental parliamentary principles as articulated at 263 ll. 18-22: it was not a regular or properly called meeting of the assembly (or board)--it is a gathering of people who happen to also be members of the assembly (or board). As such, the right to a vote binding to the assembly (or board) is not extended to anyone at that gathering. People can raise their hands or say "aye" or say such by ballot, but it's not a "vote" with any effect on the assembly (or board).

  17. Can someone verify my understanding that the following applies to this situation, as a board is a type of assembly?

    RONR, 11th ed., states that a member may first attempt raising a point of order, which sounds like was was already done. A member may, after a ruling by the chair, then appeal the decision of the chair, throwing the question of order to the board. If the chair repeatedly ignores a point of order (that is not dilatory) repeatedly, the member can then ask if the point or order is well taken. The same can be then done if the chair ignores an appeal properly made and seconded (pp. 650-651)

    "If the chair fails to act in accordance with the [board's] decision on an appeal...or otherwise culpably fails to perform the duties of the chair properly at a meeting,..." a member may move to "Suspend the Rules so as to take away from [the chair] the authority to preside during all or part of a session" (p. 651 l. 17-18; p.652, ll. 5-7). This requires 2/3-vote. This motion, if adopted, can remain in effect for only one session, though, and so it must be renewed at each meeting the effect is desired.

    Beyond this action, the officer may be removed from office, as has been suggested.

    See pp. 650ff for more.

    *This all assumes your parliamentary authority is RONR. Your bylaws would supersede RONR, if there is a conflict.

  18. "Discussion of any subject is permitted only with reference to a pending motion...For a member to begin to discuss a matter while no question is pending, without promptly leading to a motion, implies an unusual circumstance and requires permission from the assembly, in addition to obtaining the floor. In larger assemblies, this rule requires firm enforcement. In smaller meetings, it may sometimes be relaxed with constructive effect if the members are not accustomed to working under the standard rule. Unless the assembly has specifically authorized [it], such a discussion can be entered only at the sufferance of the chair or until a point of order is made, and in the latter case, the chair must immediately require that a motion be offered or the discussion cease" (RONR, 11th ed., p. 34, ll. 7-32).

  19. So, if I understand the parliamentary situation correctly, the assembly cannot really make a motion to "endorse" the work, because according to RONR "So long as the question is in the hands of the committee, the assembly cannot consider another motion involving practically the same question" (p. 311, ll. 3-5), which I think is what jstackpro was getting at.  Nonetheless, a motion to further instruct the committee regarding its charges can effectively work around this in circumstances where the motion is explicitly further instructions and not, by contrast, a motion for the assembly to take action on its own regarding the question that is, in effect, still in committee. Am I close?

  20. This is a standing committee with powers to make recommendations on membership policies. The principles in a way are, maybe, the committee setting its own instructions regarding the general direction of the policies it will be developing for recommendation. Because the overhaul is significant, and this is the first and foundational step to the revision of the policy, committee members want to make sure the assembly agrees with the general direction they are heading, so that they don't get to the formal recommendation of the policies only to have the assembly reject some or all of the set of policies are grounded on one of these principles. While there is no guarantee the assembly will or will not reject any of the recommendations, the committee is attempting to "get it right" at critical stages before sending it out of committee and onto the floor for a vote.

  21. Does anyone have any experience with, opinions about, or recommendations on the following example of a practice:

    Committee X is charged with making recommendations on policies regarding membership. Rather than hold a hearing or otherwise solicit the opinion of assembly members, the reporting member asks, on behalf of the committee, for the assembly to endorse its work so far, by vote. For example, let's say the committee came up with four principles around which they would like to develop their membership policy. The reporting member, at the end of the report, says, "I move, on behalf of the membership committee, that the assembly endorse the proposed for principles around which the new membership policy will be created."

    This example motion seems to have no parliamentary effect (it strikes me as similar in this way to the motion "to adopt the committee's recommendations", which doesn't necessarily authorize action (p. 515, ll. 13-16)) and might better be replaced with some form of a motion to instruct the committee in a certain way regarding its creation of a membership policy. For example, "I move, on behalf of the membership committee, that the membership committee be instructed to create the new membership policy in accordance with the recommended four principles," or something like that.

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