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  1. Mr. Gerber, thank you very much for your clarifications.
  2. The President of our council insists that all matters of a Special Session are confidential and to be kept secret within the council. I disagree with this assessment. Is a Special Session confidential and the items discussed required to be kept secret? Thank you for you help in clarifying this.
  3. Thank you Mr. Novosielski. Those are the clarifications that I was looking for. I don't know how to convince someone that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur, because they are adamant that that is not accurate and would not tolerate them at our Special meeting. Perhaps that is a question for a different forum.... Thank you.
  4. Thank you Mr. Kapur. I have read pages 91-93, but they do not state that business is conducted in the same manner as a regular meeting. Where can I find, in either the 11th or 12th edition that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur in a Special meeting. I realize about not approving minutes from a previous meeting. Thank you.
  5. I know that minutes, debate and votes take place in Special meetings. However, I can't find in the 11th edition where it is stated that these take place. Sorry for such a novice question. Thank you for your help.
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