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Dendra Best

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Posts posted by Dendra Best


    On 4/26/2022 at 12:53 PM, Rob Elsman said:

    If you are asking a question about statutory law, you will need to seek legal counsel.  As we are fond of saying, we don't do legal here.

    No if this was a municipal issue that would be different - but under RR a closed session is a closed session? No one should be live streaming that out to the general membership or what was the point of going into closed session in the first place right?

  2. But our Bylaws say we must use the most recent edition? That section is from the 13th.?

    Notice of Meetings - ..."any member who wishes to give "previous notice" of a motion he or she intends to propose at that meeting may send the notice to you beforehand and you must include it in the call at the group's expense."

  3. On 4/6/2022 at 12:10 PM, Dendra Best said:

    I'm looking at Newly revised in brief 3rd edition: Notice of Meetings - ..."any member who wishes to give "previous notice" of a motion he or she intends to propose at theat meeting may send the notice to you beforehand and you must include it in the call at the group's expense. [RONR 12th ed.) 10.51

    Example of Call of a Meeting
    The regular monthly meeting of the Student Coalition will be held on Tuesday, January 11, 20_, at 8:30 P.M., in the Martyn Room of the University Center.
    Ashley McClellan has given notice that at the meeting she will move to rescind the resolution adopted March 10, 20_, relating


  4. Can you confirm please that if 2 members call for a Special Meeting for a specific purpose, as our Bylaws allow, the Posting to the Members includes:

    That a Special Meeting has been called for

    Those Directors who called for it

    The specific purpose

    Date and time

    How to access by Zoom

    Do we have to include a notice that the meeting may go in to closed session?

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