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Dale Henslee

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  1. We only have evidence of one person leaving and lost our quorum at that very point. That is why I ruled that everything voted on after that point was null. I think they waited after thinking about it after a while and decided to create adversity as they have been known to do. Some of these individuals were not pleased with the election of some officers who were voted on when we believed a quorum was present.
  2. Elections were conducted at a corporation and as were amendments to bylaws. Everything was voted on and passed. Can someone challenge all of this after the meeting was adjourned because they think there might have not been a quorum present at various times during the meeting? People may have left the room at various times for smoking and/or bathroom breaks.
  3. During a meeting at which a number of bylaw amendments had already been voted on and approved, can someone request the entire list of amendments already approved made be null and void because some people left the room resulting in there no longer being a quorum for conducting business. The meeting was adjourned at the point this was brought to the chair’s attention. Wouldn’t everything voted on and previously approved still be in effect?
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