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Swearing in a New officer

Guest Chey

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Can you swear in a new officer for a term to start three months into the future? A new officer will be out of town during the normal "swearing in" meeting. Must a special meeting be called when she's retunred or can we swear her in before she leaves to begin the term once she's back?

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Can you swear in a new officer for a term to start three months into the future?

A new officer will be out of town during the normal "swearing in" meeting.

Must a special meeting be called when she's returned or can we swear her in before she leaves to begin the term once she's back?

I assume you are asking if Robert's Rules of Order has any applicable text on this issue.

• Yes, you can do a swearing-in anytime, because a swearing-in ceremony is just that -- a ceremony -- and carries no parliamentary weight or meaning.

• No special meeting is necessary, because the swearing-in ceremony neither starts the term of office nor ends anybody else's term of office, if Robert's Rules of Order applies, and if there is no customized rule saying otherwise.

Q. Do you have a rule already in place regarding this?

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