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Pastor adding recommendation

Guest Shelly

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Our pastor is chairing the committee to change the name of our church. We want to add the pastor's recommendation after we reviewed the membership's recommendations. We are going to conduct an official vote in 30 days once all recommendations are presented this coming Saturday to narrow down the recomendations. We are trying to engage the total membership in this process. Can we add the pastor's recommendation based off of Robert's Rules of Order?

Thank you.

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Can we add the pastor's recommendation based off of Robert's Rules of Order?

Who is this "we" you speak of?

If the pastor disagrees with the committee's recommendation (or even if he agrees) he is free to make his own recommendation as an individual member of the congregation (except he shouldn't do so while/if he's chairing the congregation meeting).

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Who is this "we" you speak of?

If the pastor disagrees with the committee's recommendation (or even if he agrees) he is free to make his own recommendation as an individual member of the congregation (except he shouldn't do so while/if he's chairing the congregation meeting).

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Our pastor is chairing the committee to change the name of our church. We want to add the pastor's recommendation after we reviewed the membership's recommendations. We are going to conduct an official vote in 30 days once all recommendations are presented this coming Saturday to narrow down the recomendations. We are trying to engage the total membership in this process. Can we add the pastor's recommendation based off of Robert's Rules of Order?

Thank you.

Does the "after" in the 2nd sentence indicate you want to hold off on the pastor's recommendation fearing it'll inhibit others from offering opinions? It's up to the committee to come up with its recommendations and/or report. I suppose you could ask the pastor to hold off opining until everyone else has.

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Our pastor is chairing the committee to change the name of our church. We want to add the pastor's recommendation after we reviewed the membership's recommendations. We are going to conduct an official vote in 30 days once all recommendations are presented this coming Saturday to narrow down the recomendations. We are trying to engage the total membership in this process. Can we add the pastor's recommendation based off of Robert's Rules of Order?

Thank you.

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The "we" is the ad hoc committee the pastor formulated a month ago, we received the recommendations this past Sunday and the pastor waited until congregation's recommendations and is ready to give the additional recommendation of a name change.

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The "we" is the ad hoc committee the pastor formulated a month ago, we received the recommendations this past Sunday and the pastor waited until congregation's recommendations and is ready to give the additional recommendation of a name change.

If you treat this like an election, think of the committee as a nominating committee. Once it makes it's report (preferably with the name it considers the "best" choice), the members are free to make additional "nominations" from the floor. If the pastor is a member he has just as much right to do so as any other member. Then you vote on the names.

I may be unduly suspicious but it sounds like the pastor has waited for everyone to offer a suggestion before he rides in with the "right" one. If he agrees with any of the previous suggestions he should probably remain silent and cast his vote along with everyone else.

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Our pastor is chairing the committee to change the name of our church. We want to add the pastor's recommendation after we reviewed the membership's recommendations. We are going to conduct an official vote in 30 days once all recommendations are presented this coming Saturday to narrow down the recomendations. We are trying to engage the total membership in this process. Can we add the pastor's recommendation based off of Robert's Rules of Order?

Thank you.

This would be an amendment to the bylaws, to strike out "CURRENT NAME CHURCH" and insert "CHURCH OF THE NEW NAME". The new name could be selected by ballot like this:

What should be the new name of the church?




4. _____________________

Any member can suggest a name, and that name is added to the list of choices. No member can offer more than one proposal, unless he receives unanimous consent to do so. This selection requires a majority vote.

Once the new name is selected, you would still need a vote to amend the bylaws, in order to actually change the name.

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The new name could be selected by ballot like this:

What should be the new name of the church?




4. _____________________

Although, unlike an election where someone (maybe even someone different) has to be elected, in this case keeping the current name should be an option.

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Although, unlike an election where someone (maybe even someone different) has to be elected, in this case keeping the current name should be an option.

Actually, this would be filling a blank in the motion to amend. After filling that blank, the motion to amend can be voted down, subject to the voting threshold of bylaw amendment.

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