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Changing a motion already approved at a previous meeting

Scott Brasch

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My bad sorry motion passed 34-14.

If you have a standing rule that a guest must be escorted into the club by a member, the motion to Rescind/Amend Something Previously Adopted will have to be used to change this. It requires a two-thirds vote; or a majority vote with notice; or a vote of a majority of the entire membership. It can be made by any member. See RONR (11th ed.), Section 35.

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Okay here goes;

My understanding from reading the 10th edition was that when a motion is made and if its passed; the only way to reconsider the motion was that somone who voted for the motion could bring it back up.

It's my understanding now that is not the case.

I will look in my 11th edition later today.

Hope this helps.

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Okay here goes;

My understanding from reading the 10th edition was that when a motion is made and if its passed; the only way to reconsider the motion was that somone who voted for the motion could bring it back up.

It's my understanding now that is not the case.

I will look in my 11th edition later today.

Hope this helps.

Here's the problem. The word "Reconsider" has a particular meaning in parliamentary law. It can only be made by someone who voted on the prevailing side in an assembly.

However, this motion does not apply to your situation, as you describe it. So, leave out the word "Reconsider," and you'll be fine.

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Here's the problem. The word "Reconsider" has a particular meaning in parliamentary law. It can only be made by someone who voted on the prevailing side in an assembly.

It might bear clarifying here that there is a very small window of time for Reconsidering as well - in sessions lasting one day (i.e. a typical single meeting), only on the day the vote to be reconsidered was taken; in sessions of more than one day, either on the day of the original vote or the next day of the session a business meeting is held.

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So if a motion was made in August it can not be reconsidered in October?

Can you point me to the proper place to look in the 11th edition?

Again to clarify; I just want to make sure I am chairing the meeting to the best of my ability and following our bylaws which state:


Any and all provisions which are not specifically spelled out within these Bylaws will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, a copy of which will be retained by the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

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So if a motion was made in August it can not be reconsidered in October?

Can you point me to the proper place to look in the 11th edition?

Again to clarify; I just want to make sure I am chairing the meeting to the best of my ability and following our bylaws which state:


Any and all provisions which are not specifically spelled out within these Bylaws will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, a copy of which will be retained by the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

To avoid confusion, stick with Section 35, for now. That will be the section that applies to changing or eliminating a standing rule that was adopted at a previous session. When you have that mastered, we can talk more about Reconsider (section 37).

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So if a motion was made in August it can not be reconsidered in October?

Yes and no.

It's too late to make a Motion to Reconsider but it's probably not too late to, in the ordinary sense of the word, "reconsider" the original motion.

If the original motion was defeated, it can be Renewed (made again) by any member, as if it had never been made.

If the original motion was adopted, it can often be Rescinded (or otherwise Amended). Again, any member may make this motion to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted (ASPA).

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So RONR 11 section 35 has been read and page 307 20 i believe says: It can be brought up and voted on again.

Sorry for taking up the forums time; if you feel it best to talk off line I have created a gmail account: scottbrasch@gmail.com

A member can move to amend the rule or to rescind it. It will require a second. It is debatable and amendable. It requires a two-thirds vote for adoption.

If a motion to rescind Standing Rule ABC does not get the two-thirds vote, the rule is NOT rescinded, and it stays in force.

If a motion to amend Standing Rule ABC does not get the two-thirds vote, the rule remains in force, just as it was.

Adoption of a motion to Rescind or Amend will go into effect, immediately.

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