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Reconsider or what?

Guest Monty

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General help question:

Last month at a regularly scheduled meeting a motion was made to accept a redrawn district map for representation. It was seconded and unanimously approved.

Then last week it was determined that the legend was incorrect (which no one noticed). The legend refers to the redrawn map with incorrect identifiers (zone 1 instead of zone 3, etc.).

The questions is how best to rectify this with respect to Robert's Rules? Do we move to reconsider? If so, is the motion then automatically on the table and we would just need to amend it? Or is a new motion required? Or do we revote and "kill" the previously accepted map, and then start all over with a new motion for the corrected legend and map?


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1 minute ago, Guest Monty said:

The questions is how best to rectify this with respect to Robert's Rules? Do we move to reconsider? If so, is the motion then automatically on the table and we would just need to amend it? Or is a new motion required? Or do we revote and "kill" the previously accepted map, and then start all over with a new motion for the corrected legend and map?

It is too late for a motion to Reconsider. The proper motion would be a motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted. A member may move “To amend the motion adopted last month regarding the district map, renumbering the zones as follows...” If adopted, the motion is thus amended. This requires a 2/3 vote, a vote of a majority of the entire membership, or a majority vote with previous notice.

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It is too late to Reconsider the motion.

The appropriate motion would be to Amend Something Previously Adopted. The motion can be moved by any  member. If you give notice of the motion (by, for example, including The motion in the call of the meeting) it will take a majority vote to adopt. Without notice, it requires a 2/3 vote or a Majority of the Entire Membership.

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40 minutes ago, Josh Martin said:

It is too late for a motion to Reconsider. The proper motion would be a motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted. A member may move “To amend the motion adopted last month regarding the district map, renumbering the zones as follows...” If adopted, the motion is thus amended. This requires a 2/3 vote, a vote of a majority of the entire membership, or a majority vote with previous notice.

Yes, I just reread on the forum and my book and found that the motion to reconsider requires that it be in the same session. My bad.

So move to amend the motion adopted previously does seem the only way to go. 


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