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Judicial Committee question

Guest B Wayne

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I have  question in regards to Judicial Committee's it has been found that a 2 board members have been on the Judicial Committee for 5 years. Which our bylaws and committee states 3 years maximum.

Would this make the committee Null and Void and have to change it immediately, and would anything they did be in effect? 

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1 hour ago, Guest B Wayne said:

I have  question in regards to Judicial Committee's it has been found that a 2 board members have been on the Judicial Committee for 5 years. Which our bylaws and committee states 3 years maximum.

Would this make the committee Null and Void and have to change it immediately, and would anything they did be in effect? 

For starters, do your bylaws state that the members serve “until their successors are elected?”

In any event, the situation should indeed be rectified immediately. As for actions taken by the committee during that time, the only actions in question are those where these votes could have made a difference. I would also note that in cases where the committee merely made a recommendation, which was subsequently approved by a superior body, those actions would also not be in question.

Edited by Josh Martin
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No  the bylaws states "each member of the committee shall serve a term of three years"

There is an issue right now that wouldn't have been brought about if these two weren't on the committee.Its kind of a witch hunt sort of thing.

The action hasn't been voted on, there was a motion and a second, but no vote.  

So we are trying to figure out if we even have to vote and the motion was in July. 

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It seems to me that the members that have overstayed their terms are no longer members of this committee. The group or person that appointed the members of the Judicial Committee should meet and appoint their replacements as Mr. Martin has suggested.

When you say "an issue" can you be a little bit more expansive? Is it connected somehow to the members that have overstayed? Something else, perhaps?

Also, when you say "the action" can you supply some detail? What happened to the so-called "action" and how is it connected with any of the overstayed members?

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They recommended removal of a member and brought it to the board, while discussing it they changed the action. 

Then a motion was made and seconded, but it was never voted on.

They were using there appointment for personal gain, by 2 of the member that of the Judicial committee, who recommend there own appointment. 

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4 hours ago, Guest B Wayne said:

They recommended removal of a member and brought it to the board, while discussing it they changed the action. 

Then a motion was made and seconded, but it was never voted on.

They were using there appointment for personal gain, by 2 of the member that of the Judicial committee, who recommend there own appointment. 

Since no final decision on this matter has yet been made, there is nothing to declare “null and void.” The two persons in question are no longer members of the committee and the vacancies should be filled as soon as practical. The remaining committee members are free to dispose of the matters pending before the committee as they wish. The fact that a motion was made and seconded by persons who were not properly members of the committee is not a continuing breach, so it is too late to raise a Point of Order on those grounds.

Edited by Josh Martin
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