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Electronic Meeting

Guest Miss

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We recently had a general membership meeting electronically and we voted on three motions.  Due to technical difficulties the chair asked a Member to vote verbally as it was easier.  Does this vote count as it was not done anonymously?  And as well at the same meeting, two Members in the same household both voted which is against the Bylaws, what do we do about that if our chair counted it?  And lastly a mom-member voted for a Member who is not mentally sound. Also against our Bylaws.  Should this vote be counted?

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18 minutes ago, Guest Miss said:

Due to technical difficulties the chair asked a Member to vote verbally as it was easier.  Does this vote count as it was not done anonymously? 

Was this a ballot vote? If not, then it's not a problem (assuming, of course, that electronic meetings are authorized). Secrecy of the members' votes only occurs with ballot votes. RONR (12th ed.) 45:18

21 minutes ago, Guest Miss said:

And as well at the same meeting, two Members in the same household both voted which is against the Bylaws, what do we do about that if our chair counted it?

Parenthetically, this shows that your votes aren't secret. A Point of Order can be raised, and, "If there is any possibility that the vote(s) would have affected the outcome, the results of the vote must be declared invalid if the point of order is sustained." (ibid 23:8) Were any of the votes decided by a one-vote margin? I assume one of the two members could have validly voted.

26 minutes ago, Guest Miss said:

And lastly a mom-member voted for a Member who is not mentally sound. Also against our Bylaws.  Should this vote be counted?

I'm not certain what a "mom-member" is. If you meant to say a non-member, then that person's vote should not have been counted and you can, again, raise a point of order, under the same provisions. But be careful in this case that the mom-member didn't just assist the member to cast their vote.

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