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What happens if the body does NOT vote to ratify the chair's appointments to a special committee?

Marci C

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What happens if the body does NOT vote to ratify the chair's appointments to a special committee? Scenario: The chair wants his appointments to a special committee to be voted on together in one vote. If the body does NOT vote to ratify the chair's appointed special committee, can the chair make one change to a position while keeping the other position appointments intact for the next round of voting to ratify the special committee? Where can I find the rule for this?


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On 2/15/2024 at 11:26 PM, Marci C said:

What happens if the body does NOT vote to ratify the chair's appointments to a special committee?

Could you quote exactly what your bylaws say on this matter?

Speaking generally, I would imagine the chair proposes new appointments.

On 2/15/2024 at 11:26 PM, Marci C said:

If the body does NOT vote to ratify the chair's appointed special committee, can the chair make one change to a position while keeping the other position appointments intact for the next round of voting to ratify the special committee?

I see no reason why not. Whether that's likely to be successful is a different question.

On 2/15/2024 at 11:26 PM, Marci C said:

Where can I find the rule for this?

Well, this is ultimately going to be a process governed by your own rules. But (to the extent I correctly understand your rules, based on the limited facts available), this procedure appears similar to the procedure RONR refers to as "nominations by the chair," the rules for which are discussed in RONR (12th ed.) 50:13(c).

"Nominations by the chair (with confirmation by voice vote). This method is used when the assembly wishes to take advantage of the chair's knowledge and judgment as to suitable appointees, yet wishes to have veto power. In this case, the chair names the same number of persons as there are to be members of the committee, always naming his choice of committee chairman first, thus: “The chair nominates Mr. X as chairman, Mrs. Y, and Mr. Z. The question is: Shall these persons constitute the committee?” Any member can then move to strike out one or more names—but not to insert new ones, which the chair must do if such a motion to strike out is adopted. After any changes in the original names have thus been made, the chair repeats the proposed names as they stand and puts the question on the entire list: “Mr. X, Mrs. Y, and Mr. W are nominated. Those in favor of these persons constituting the committee, say aye.… Those opposed, say no.…, etc.”" RONR (12th ed.) 50:13

I suppose the assembly could strike all of the names, in which event the chair would nominate new persons for all positions.

I would also suggest in the long run that if there is this much disagreement over appointments, the assembly may wish to consider amending its rules for how committees are appointed. Perhaps the organization should provide for election by the assembly rather than appointment by the chair.

Edited by Josh Martin
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