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Who runs the Organization


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I am a member of a fraternal organization with a Board of Directors and an Executive Board. My first question is, who runs the organization the Board or Directors or the Executive Board?

We have a committee set up to revise the By-Laws and the Constitution that was picked by the Executive Board and Board of Directors. After much time and effort on the part of the Committee, they have come up with a revised Constitution and By-Laws. The question is: does the Executive Board have to approve these changes before placing it before the membership for approval.

Thank You for your time.

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My first question is, who runs the organization the Board or Directors or the Executive Board?

So far as RONR is concerned, neither - the general membership runs the organization, and the Board of Directors and the Executive Board have only the authority granted by the Bylaws or the membership by vote.

After much time and effort on the part of the Committee, they have come up with a revised Constitution and By-Laws. The question is: does the Executive Board have to approve these changes before placing it before the membership for approval.

If this committee is defined in the Bylaws, the answer is basically "no" unless your Bylaws suggest otherwise. If this committee was created via a motion, then the committee should report to whichever assembly created it.

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I am a member of a fraternal organization with a Board of Directors and an Executive Board.

And, as long as you're revising your bylaws, you might want to consider renaming your Executive Board as the "Executive Committee" (which RONR describes as a "board within a board"). That way you may avoid the confusion of having two "boards".

It's often best to use the standard, time-honored (well-worn?) parliamentary nomenclature.

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