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Nominiee Slate of Canidates


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I need some help, I know that this is a little outside the lines of this forum.

Q. Does the slate of candidates need a motion to approve.

In Section 10.02 "approved by the Board of Directors" but it appears to be an after thought and not the intent of the sentence. In Section 10.01 the nominating committee will "select a slate" of nominees and make written report".

It seems, from the lay point of view, these two sections are in conflict with each other.

Is the answer the Nominating committee will file a written report and the Board will ratify the slate and if so does the board have the option to amend the slate?

Article X. Elections

Section 10.01 Each year, a Nominating Committee chaired by the Parliamentarian and

composed of five (5) members, at least two of whom shall be neither a current officer or Director

of the Association, shall be recommended by the Parliamentarian and approved by the Board of

Directors at their November meeting. The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of

consenting, eligible nominees for the elective offices and Directors of the Association and shall

file a written report thereof with the Board of Directors at their December meeting.

Section 10.02 The mail, Web Site and/or newsletter notification of members of the February

General Meeting shall include the slate of nominees approved by the Board of Directors. In

addition, the slate shall be posted at the Police and Fire Station. The mail, Web Site

and/or newsletter notification and the posting of the slate at the Police and Fire Station shall be

done at least fifteen (15) days prior to the February General Meeting.

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Does the slate of candidates need a motion to approve.

Typically, once the nominating committee presents its report (the list of candidates it has selected), nominations "from the floor" are accepted. Then the members vote (including "write-in" votes for those not nominated). The board would typically have nothing to do with the election (especially the election of board members). Your rules may vary.

If there is only one nominee for a particular office, and if the bylaws do not call for a ballot vote, the chair can declare the sole nominee elected "by acclamation".

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Does the slate of candidates need a motion to approve.

If you're asking if your board has to make and adopt a motion to approve the nominating committee's report then, per your bylaws (not RONR) it would appear it does. But your bylaws can only be properly interpreted in their entirety, something that's beyond the scope of this forum.

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Q. Does the slate of candidates need a motion to approve.

If Robert's Rules of Order applies, then the answer is "no."

If you have a superior rule saying otherwise, then all bets are off.

In Section 10.02 "approved by the Board of Directors" but it appears to be an after thought and not the intent of the sentence.

In Section 10.01 the nominating committee will "select a slate" of nominees and make written report".

It seems, from the lay point of view, these two sections are in conflict with each other.

Is the answer

the Nominating committee will file a written report

and the Board will ratify the slate

and if so

does the board have the option to amend the slate?

Article X. Elections

Section 10.01

• Each year, a Nominating Committee chaired by the Parliamentarian and composed of five (5) members, at least two of whom shall be neither a current officer or Director of the Association, shall be recommended by the Parliamentarian and approved by the Board of Directors at their November meeting.

• The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of consenting, eligible nominees for the elective offices and Directors of the Association and shall file a written report thereof with the Board of Directors at their December meeting.

Section 10.02

• The mail, Web Site and/or newsletter notification of members of the February General Meeting shall include the slate of nominees approved by the Board of Directors.

• In addition, the slate shall be posted at the Police and Fire Station.

• The mail, Web Site and/or newsletter notification and the posting of the slate at the Police and Fire Station shall be done at least fifteen (15) days prior to the February General Meeting.

Each year, a
Nominating Committee
chaired by the Parliamentarian and composed of five (5) members, at least two of whom shall be neither a current officer or Director of the Association,
shall be recommended
by the Parliamentarian
and approved
by the Board of Directors at their November meeting.

What does this sentence say?

• Each year

• A certain committee

• Composed of a certain set of people

• Shall be recommended by the Parliamentarian

• Shall be approved by the board.

Q. What is the noun, the object of "approval"?

A. It is a COMMITTEE. It is not any "slate".

The mail, Web Site and/or newsletter notification of members of the February General Meeting shall include the slate of nominees approved by the Board of Directors.

What does this sentence say?

• The modes of notification

• Shall include a slate

• Slate has the attribute of being approved by the board.

I see nothing above and beyond "approval".

That is, I see nothing suggesting the board can alter the product of the Nominating Committee.

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If Robert's Rules of Order applies, then the answer is "no."

If you have a superior rule saying otherwise, then all bets are off.

Each year, a
Nominating Committee
chaired by the Parliamentarian and composed of five (5) members, at least two of whom shall be neither a current officer or Director of the Association,
shall be recommended
by the Parliamentarian
and approved
by the Board of Directors at their November meeting.

What does this sentence say?

• Each year

• A certain committee

• Composed of a certain set of people

• Shall be recommended by the Parliamentarian

• Shall be approved by the board.

Q. What is the noun, the object of "approval"?

A. It is a COMMITTEE. It is not any "slate".

The mail, Web Site and/or newsletter notification of members of the February General Meeting shall include the slate of nominees approved by the Board of Directors.

What does this sentence say?

• The modes of notification

• Shall include a slate

• Slate has the attribute of being approved by the board.

I see nothing above and beyond "approval".

That is, I see nothing suggesting the board can alter the product of the Nominating Committee.

So they can only vote it up or down, right?

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So they can only vote it up or down, right?

That is one interpretation. :mellow:

Since you are dealing with rules which do not originate from Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR 10th ed.) there is risk for ambiguity and for conflict.

No page from RONR can be cited to prove that one interpretation is more authentic than another interpretation, once you get into unique language.

A dictionary, and a book of English grammar, and maybe a college textbook on logic, are your tools.

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Is the answer the Nominating committee will file a written report and the Board will ratify the slate and if so does the board have the option to amend the slate?

This question is beyond the scope of RONR and this forum. See RONR, 10th ed., pgs. 570-573 for some Principles of Interpretation. In the long run, amend your Bylaws for the sake of clarity.

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