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Vote of dues increase

Guest Scott

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Our bylaws clearly state that the board had the authority to vote on a approve an increase of 15 % over last years dues. Our board in one year increased the dues by a total dollar amount by greatly exceeding the 15 %. Being that this increase is completely over the allowed amount is the total vote considered null and void and and new motion has to be made and voted on for the corrected amount?

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Our bylaws clearly state that the board had the authority to vote on a approve an increase of 15 % over last years dues. Our board in one year increased the dues by a total dollar amount by greatly exceeding the 15 %. Being that this increase is completely over the allowed amount is the total vote considered null and void and and new motion has to be made and voted on for the corrected amount?

If the motion is adopted in violation of a rule that is not in the nature of a rule of order in the bylaws, it is null and void (p. 251, a.). I have no idea if this is a rule in the nature of a rule of order or not.

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If the motion is adopted in violation of a rule that is not in the nature of a rule of order in the bylaws, it is null and void (p. 251, a.). I have no idea if this is a rule in the nature of a rule of order or not.

How could a bylaws provision limiting the board's authority to raise dues be construed as 'in the nature of a rule of order' (and, furthermore, as a rule of order which can be suspended by the (presumably) subordinate body whose authority is limited by the rule)?

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