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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Gary Novosielski

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Everything posted by Gary Novosielski

  1. I am told that in the Czech language, "voice" and "vote" are the same word. In English, the phrase "voice and vote" usually implies that one has the right to speak in debate, and to express a choice on the outcome. The right to make motions would be more in the nature of "voice" than of "vote". By default, all members have the rights of "voice and vote". But what precise meaning your bylaws are meant to convey is up to you to decide. They seem clear to me, but I'm not a member; they need to be clear to your society. If they are, then you're fine as things stand. If they're not, then you should perfect them.
  2. You can ask it another ten times, but the answer is you can't do anything, because you are not the chair, and you have given no indication that your bylaws require you to run the election, which I would be willing to make a (small) wager they do not. Therefore, doing so would be improper. The only appropriate officer to preside over the election is your presiding officer. The fact that the current president is nominated has nothing to do with it. After you give your report, she should open the floor to additional nominations, and if there are none, should declare the nominee elected by acclamation, for each office being considered.
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