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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Peter Square

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  1. Mr Mervosh I appreciate your timely response. Question, "how can one monitor the EC to make sure that they are not usurping the board if open attendance is denied?" As a minority dissident what actions are possible to restrict the EC?
  2. Our coop by-laws name the four Officers as members of the Executive Committee(EC) but no other provisions or statement of its duties. Our EC meets a week before the regular board meeting. Many items are discussed and I feel that they short-cut the board. I have tried to attend as a none officer but they say my attendance at their meeting would create a regular board meeting because there would be 5 of our 9 board members thus a regular meeting. Our by By-Laws state that Robert's Rules apply. Questions: What are the powers of the EC if not detailed? Can they refuse my attendance at their meeting and do 5 members gathering automatically create a regular board meeting?
  3. Our Coop has an executive board of 4 members and the board has 9 members. All meetings are open to the public but the EC maintains that I as a board member can not attend executive sessions because 5 board members at any one time constitutes a quorum for a regular board meeting. Are they right?
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