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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Rebeca Sanchez

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  1. Our organization's bylaws provide that the bylaws "may be amended or rescinded by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the chapter in good standing and voting." In a recent vote to amend the bylaws, 127 ballots were cast; 3 of those ballots were blank. Ballot Box reported the 3 blanks as cast, but did not count them. Excluding the blanks, Ballot Box calculated that 66.9 of the eligible members who voted, voted in favor of passing the amendment. It has always been my understanding blanks are not counted as votes; and like abstentions would not be counted as votes unless qualified by the language of the bylaws, such as 2/3 of those present. That is not the language in our bylaws. Thus, in our case, based on the language in our bylaws which required the member to vote, not just cast a ballot, blanks would not be counted. The first question is are blanks counted? The second question is would the blanks be counted under our bylaws? Thank you.
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