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Everything posted by click755blue

  1. Thank you for all the replies, everyone! I am probably in need of some sort of Robert's Rules course to get up to speed because I feel like half the time the rules are used in such a way to make inconvenient things more convenient. So it sounds like our special rule of order is being used to make it challenging for members to make a motion from the floor when it should be an easy thing to stand up when the topic is at hand and say, "I move that..." And if it's done under "Other Business" it should be even easier to make a motion.
  2. Thanks Gary! When I asked the Chair about it afterward, the only rule he referred me to is that policy requiring two thirds for approval of a new agenda item. So I guess the debate is that he thinks a motion is a new agenda item and I don't. Hmm.
  3. Hi everyone, Things in our org are fairly gray (in my opinion). Recently when a motion was brought up from the floor (during "Other Business"), members of the group said we had to adhere to a policy that says, "Additional items to the agenda may be submitted by members to the Director in advance of the time set for the agenda meeting, and added at the discretion of the Agenda Committee, or by a two thirds vote of the members." So before we could debate the motion, we had to vote on whether we even wanted to be talking about the motion by two thirds of our members, because it was being treated as a new agenda item. Is this normal? Can't motions come from the floor when ever? I know the org doesn't want a trillion motions flying around the room from a thousand members at all times, but it doesn't seem very nimble to treat a motion like a new agenda item. Thanks!
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