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  1. I want to create some standing rules for my organization. Is there a procedure to establish these standing rules? Do they just need to be voted on by the executive committee? The bylaws do not establish a procedure for creating standing rules.
  2. ARTICLE VII: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be the President, President-elect, three (3) Vice Presidents (VP for Policy, VP for Membership, and VP for Community Affairs), Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large, and Immediate Past President. Members in good standing of the organization shall elect all officers. The Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. Section 2. Officer Responsibilities: President:Shall remain informed of all issues, statutes, and concerns facing members. The President shall be the chief executive officer and spokesperson for the organization. The President shall call meetings, set the calendar for the upcoming year no later than last business day in December (including quarterly Steering Committee and no less than bimonthly Executive Committee meetings), set agendas for Executive and Steering Committee meetings, chair meetings, be a co-signer of all bank accounts, and ensure that the Strategic Plan is current. Additionally, the President shall serve on all standing committees as an ad hoc member and appoint positions, as deemed necessary, to assist in achieving the mission of the organization. So it doesn't really state much about the people she can appoint and their rights.
  3. We do state in the bylaws that the president can appoint positions as deemed necessary. So even though the specific position is not in the bylaws, the president can appoint people. So if she expects that person at attend exec board meetings, then that person should be able to have a vote on the exec board. What about an ad hoc committee chair? they only attend steering committee meetings and report to the steering committee. would they have a vote as well?
  4. We have a senior policy advisor, appointed by the president, who is not in the bylaws. This person is expected to attend all exec board meeting and be apart of the discussions, however, the president states that person is not allowed to vote on issues. I read where an ex officio member should be allowed to vote especially since they are a member of the organization. Which is correct?
  5. Can the nominating committee add additional criteria/requirements that is not in the bylaws for a person to be nominated for office?
  6. How does a nomination committee work? Our bylaws state: The Nominations Committee is a standing committee and shall prepare a slate with nominee(s) for each office. The slate will be submitted each year based on the rotation of the officers to the Steering Committee. However it also states: Nominations process: Voting members in good standing may be nominated for elected positions of the organization. The call for nominations for elected positions shall be published at least two (2) months prior to elections. All nominations must be submitted by close of the call for nominations. The call for nominations shall close no less than one (1) month prior to the elections. The nominations committee shall prepare a slate with nominee(s) for each office. Election process: The slate of nominees shall be announced on the website for electronic ballot performed over a 14- to 21-day period. All voting members in good standing as of the date the ballot is posted for voting shall be eligible to vote. Voting shall be by electronic ballot; said ballot shall constitute a member's proxy. A plurality vote shall be sufficient for election. In the event of a tie vote, the decision shall be made by secret ballot of the Steering Committee. The way we have been doing things is that we issue the call for nominations. Members either nominate themselves or another person. Those names are then submitted to the nominations committee. All names are submitted to the call for nominations are then posted on the ballot. The ballot then goes to the membership for a vote. The winners are then notified. So my question goes to what good is the nominating committee if all names that apply are posted on the ballot. They bylaws state a "slate with nominees for each office" so are they supposed to be recommended the top candidate for each position and then only place those people for the ballot? If that is the case, do people who aren't the top candidate make it onto the ballot?
  7. My organization consists of a President; a President-Elect; Secretary, Treasurer, and a couple of other "executive" positions. The President-Elect is elected every 2 years. Once the person serves their 2 year term, they automatically move into the President position. In August 2023, there will be an election to vote on a new president-elect. However, the existing president-elect just resigned her position so currently, we have no one moving into the President position in the fall. According to the bylaws: Terms of Office: a. The President shall serve for one (1) two (2) year term. b. The President-elect shall serve for one (1) two (2) year term. The President-elect will be elected in odd numbered years. If for any reason the President is unable to fulfill his/her obligation, the President-elect will assume the duties of the President. The President-elect will assume the office of the President upon completion of the President-elect’s term. Vacancies of Elected Officers A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-elect. A vacancy in any of the other office positions of shall be filled by a special election called by the Executive Committee. So my question is how should we proceed? According to the bylaws, the call for nominations should be posted for two months prior to the election. We can't hold a special election to fill the office because the regular election will take place in August. There just simply isn't enough time to hold that special election. If we hold the regular election in August, would that person immediately move to the president position and then we are forced to hold a special election for another president-elect? There is no other language in the bylaws that address this issue. Could the nominating committee or executive board appoint a new president and keep the person that will be elected in August as the President-Elect so they can get the two years of experience prior to becoming president? Is there a rule to address this that I can take to my board?
  8. According to my bylaws, the exact members of a steering committee are listed. We do have standing committees led by specified members of the steering committee. However, this year, we have appointed some ad hoc committees led by regular members and not steering committee members. All committees report to the steering committee. Do those ad hoc committee chairs get a vote at the steering committee meeting or are they still considered non-voting members?
  9. Can standing rules be suspended during a convention? Need specific rule in the book so I can have documentation. Thank
  10. Thank you. Is there a specific statement I can point to in the book or is it implied?
  11. The organization's standing rules say that a donation of $25 would be made to a specific charity when a member dies. Does the membership need to have a formal motion and a vote to make that donation? Or because it is in the standing rules, the treasurer can automatically disburse the funds without a vote.
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