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Nominations Committee


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How does a nomination committee work?  

Our bylaws state:

The Nominations Committee is a standing committee and shall prepare a slate with nominee(s) for each office. The slate will be submitted each year based on the rotation of the officers to the Steering Committee.

However it also states: 

Nominations process: Voting members in good standing may be nominated for elected positions of the organization. The call for nominations for elected positions shall be published at least two (2) months prior to elections. All nominations must be submitted by close of the call for nominations. The call for nominations shall close no less than one (1) month prior to the elections. The nominations committee shall prepare a slate with nominee(s) for each office.


Election process: The slate of nominees shall be announced on the website for electronic ballot performed over a 14- to 21-day period. All voting members in good standing as of the date the ballot is posted for voting shall be eligible to vote. Voting shall be by electronic ballot; said ballot shall constitute a member's proxy. A plurality vote shall be sufficient for election. In the event of a tie vote, the decision shall be made by secret ballot of the Steering Committee.

The way we have been doing things is that we issue the call for nominations.  Members either nominate themselves or another person.  Those names are then submitted to the nominations committee.  All names are submitted to the call for nominations are then posted on the ballot.  The ballot then goes to the membership for a vote.  The winners are then notified.  

So my question goes to what good is the nominating committee if all names that apply are posted on the ballot.  They bylaws state a "slate with nominees for each office" so are they supposed to be recommended the top candidate for each position and then only place those people for the ballot?  If that is the case, do people who aren't the top candidate make it onto the ballot?

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On 7/7/2023 at 5:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

what good is the nominating committee if all names that apply are posted on the ballot.

Someone has to receive the nominations and place the names on the ballot and post it on the website. Apparently, for your organization, that's the nominating committee.

As well, you tell us that "voting members in good standing may be nominated." Presumably, the committee would verify that status.

On 7/7/2023 at 5:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

 They bylaws state a "slate with nominees for each office" so are they supposed to be recommended the top candidate for each position and then only place those people for the ballot?

Some organizations use "slate" to mean a list of one candidate for each vacant position. Others use it to mean a list of all nominees for the vacant positions (usually all qualified and eligible nominees). From the excerpts you've provided, it appears that your organization uses the latter meaning. While that is quite clear to me, if your organization feels it is ambiguous, it would be advisable to amend the bylaws to be more clear.

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On 7/7/2023 at 4:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

How does a nomination committee work?  

The role of the Nominating Committee in RONR is to nominate the person who, in the committee's opinion, is the best choice for each office. Additional nominations from the floor are permissible.

In many organizations (including yours, apparently) the role of this committee is somewhat different.

On 7/7/2023 at 4:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

The way we have been doing things is that we issue the call for nominations.  Members either nominate themselves or another person.  Those names are then submitted to the nominations committee.  All names are submitted to the call for nominations are then posted on the ballot.  The ballot then goes to the membership for a vote.  The winners are then notified.  

This practice appears to match what your bylaws provide for.

On 7/7/2023 at 4:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

So my question goes to what good is the nominating committee if all names that apply are posted on the ballot.

The purpose in RONR is for the committee to recommend the nominees of its choice. Additional nominations are permissible.

It would seem the purpose of your nominating committee is somewhat different. There may still be value in such a committee, but it seems the role is more about soliciting nominations and promoting the elections rather than making recommendations for candidates. It may be that the committee is also tasked with verifying the eligibility of nominees.

On 7/7/2023 at 4:58 PM, ConfusedandQuestioned said:

They bylaws state a "slate with nominees for each office" so are they supposed to be recommended the top candidate for each position and then only place those people for the ballot?  If that is the case, do people who aren't the top candidate make it onto the ballot?

In my view, your bylaws provide that all nominees are placed on the ballot. It's also not clear to me that your bylaws call for the committee to recommend the top candidate for each position.

In RONR, it is the role for the nominating committee to recommend the top candidate for each position, but all nominees are still placed on the ballot.

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