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Jeff Hobson

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  1. Thank you, Josh. That is very helpful and clear feedback. I realize this sparks another question: when the acting chair recognized that there was no quorum, were they supposed to immediately adjourn the meeting, or was it OK to have the informational presentation as part of the meeting, and adjourn the meeting *after* the information presentation and discussion? That is, does a lack of quorum mean the meeting can't occur, or does it just mean no action can be taken? (and if I should post it as a separate topic, LMK and I'll do so)
  2. Dear wise RONR folks, First off, thanks for your forum. I've reading useful answers on it for a bit, and now I have a question that I don't see directly addressed by previous queries. We're a fiscally sponsored project of a nonprofit organization. Last Friday (March 10), our Advisory Board had a scheduled meeting, at which only 2 of the 4 voting members were present. We didn't have a quorum, so the Advisory Board took no action (the only action items had been on a short consent calendar, so it was no big deal). During the time reserved for the meeting, but after determining that there was no quorum, the members present asked staff to go ahead and make the informational presentations we had been planning to make. We did so, received feedback, and some useful discussion ensued. These were not actions, but they are information that staff and Advisory Board members (both those present and those who were absent) would find useful to inform future actions. After the meeting, using previously-established procedures, the Chair directed staff to send the consent calendar to the full Advisory Board by email and request their votes by email. By Monday (Mar 13), the members had all voted unanimously in favor, so the actions have been adopted. I have two questions for you: 1. We'd like to provide all Advisory Board members (both present + absent) with notes of the comments made by the Advisory Board members about the staff's presentation, plus staff's response? Is it OK for us to put those into the "notes" of the March 10 meeting, distributed as we would normally distribute notes for a meeting that did have quorum, as long as the notes document clearly indicates that no quorum was present and that no action was taken? 2. Is it OK for the notes of the March 10 meeting to indicate that the consent agenda was later distributed for vote by email and received approval? If not, what's an efficient way of communicating the same info? thank you, Jeff
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