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Debbie L

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  1. Yes, this is our reality. The good news on our side is that at least three of us are well known and respected. The fourth member likes to be the fly on a wall and hardly anyone knows him. But we are all in sync. IF we are all removed, we know they will pick replacements that will do their bidding and that will not be good for our HOA. So we need to come to a compromise.
  2. Our organization is a Home Owners Association. Membership is 400 homes/voters. One per household. The committee I now serve on is the Covenants Committee. our BoD selects who serves and we serve at their pleasure. They removed our Chairman who was excellent but he rebuffed some of their requirements. Let's just say in our last meeting which was a "hearing" was mishandled in many ways. The main one was her ignoring the fact we needed to first have a motion to go into ES. Then she was adversarial to the resident. We were unable to take a vote as there was many "steps" violated in the process of the matter. Later, we have learned the BoD seems to have "settled" the matter without us. No meeting.... We really see a problem with a BoD member as our Chair....The great news is that we can out vote her desires - which is what she saw was happening.
  3. Our Administrative Assistant needed a "name" to call our meeting. I said it will be closed so she said she'll just post it as ES. But we figured it out. All members requested the meeting and then we will vote to go into ES. Thank you so much for all this help. What a great forum and resource. I am new to a formal committee and I am the secretary so am learning by trial....
  4. Thank you. What has happened is the Chairperson violated all the Roberts Rules. So we as a committee met off campus and in an informal way. We collectively agreed to this meeting, asking the Chairman of our BoD to meet with us. Turns out, our Chairman has not resisted once we sent her our agenda. We will run the meeting properly this time now that we learned she didn't do it properly last time. No one was willing to stand up to her but now we are ready to get our committee back on track. I really appreciate this forum! Great feedback!
  5. Can a Vice Chairman of a committee established by our governing documents call an executive session? I serve on the Covenants Committee as Secretary. Our Chairman was removed and a Board of Directors member took over as the Chair. In our first "hearing" the new Chairman violated several RONR that we are "bound" by. This plus a few other things. We have now prepared a document to "clarify" our committees roles as we are to "promulgate" our procedures. Which our new Chairman did not seem to agree with. Our Vice Chair has set a simple agenda.
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