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Debra Shaffer

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Everything posted by Debra Shaffer

  1. Section IV: Board of Directors, The Board of Directors of the Auxiliary shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Finacial Secretary to be elected for one year. Article 2: The Board of Directors shall be elected from only members in good standing and members who have shown commitment to the Auxiliary and its events. Moving onto Section VI: Members, Article 1: All members shall work for the good of the Auxiliary and the Hose Company. They must abide by the Rules of Order affixed by both the Auxiliary and the Hose Co. as well as the Constitution and By-Laws of the Auxiliary. Any member not conducting herself properly at meetings shall be penelized, as found upon by the decision of the Board of Directors. Rules of Order: Rule 6: Any question not covered by the foregoing rules, shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order. There is no mention of disiplinary action and I have been a member in good standing for 10 years I am very active and attend all events and all preparation for events. I do not miss meetings. I am cooperative and kind and have no issues with any of my fellow members. The accidental outside post that mistakenly was public was only on for maybe 12 seconds, no mention of the Auxiliary, the Fire Co., no indication what so ever,
  2. I recently was removed from my Officer position of Recording Secretary and given a one year suspension from Our Fire Department Aux. due to a private comment made during a private conversation that accidently went to a public forum for no more than 12 seconds until realized and I immeadiately deleted it but not before it was screen shotted by another member and given to certain people who I recently found out did not know about this but their names were used to take responsibility for my suspension. The President and Vice President used their position and authority to issue this punishment stating that the President of the VFD and the three Fire Chiefs stated to the Aux President and VP to do something about this. I found out that the President and the 2 of the 3 Fire Chiefs were unaware of any of this. Only the second Assistant Chief was aware because it was his wife that took the screen shot. Our by-laws and rules cover none of this so we then fall under our VFD by-laws and rules and then it is stated Rule #6 If unable to settle any dispute the Aux will refer and follow Roberts Rules. I am requesting a hearing to present my side and point out the false statements in the formal disiplinary action taken along with the removal of my Officer position. I would like your assistance with this matter. I need your advice and your wisdom, I am 5 generations of Volunteer Service to this VFD, a member in good standing. I need to defend my good name and reputation will you please help me? Thank You, Respectfully Yours, Debra
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