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  1. Because we've had a problem in the past with a couple of "enthusiastic talkers" to be polite. Although those members have since left the board, we're simply applying lessons learned. We need an agenda to keep on track. We need everyone reminded that we follow Robert's Rules of Order to, well, maintain order. It's fascinating how quickly even a small board meeting can turn into a free-for-all.
  2. Greetings - I'm a new Board Secretary for a Board of six. President has provided the next meeting agenda, and would like a small statement on all agendas that we follow RONR for Small Boards, "pursuant to 'pages' or 'section(s)' or 'chapter(s)', etc." We've ordered the 12th Ed, since all we have right now is a "for dummies" edition. I've read the 12th Ed TOC, but don't see a specific entry that references "Small Boards". Reading through the forums, it appears that perhaps Small Boards are referenced throughout RONR in cases where Small Boards would conduct business differently than regular/large boards on any topic. Is this correct? Our 12th Ed won't arrive before our next meeting, but I'd like to have the statement on the next meeting's agenda. Many thanks, Kim
  3. Thank you - our bank has said anyone who is a signer on the account has authorization to open a CD. We know we can do this with the bank. We're just wondering if there's anything, besides our common sense, that states such a transaction should be approved by a Board quorum vote. Sounds like there's not, so we shall rely on our common sense and take a vote! Thank you both for taking the time to reply. We have nothing in our bylaws currently about such things, so going forward we will be taking Mr. Kapur's advice and get policies created and approved that specify the authorization of directors, including what's needed for banking transactions and some other items like changes to rental agreements, that came to mind after reading Mr. Kapur's advice). Cheers - Kim
  4. Greetings, Does Robert's Rules cover such specific topics like opening Certificate of Deposits (CDs)? We would like to open a CD with organization funds but don't know if a board vote is needed. Thank you, Kim P.S. Apologies if this is a duplicate - I opened topic as a guest before registration was complete and I don't see my topic in the list.
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