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Sophie Anne

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  1. Thanks. No, this committee isn't required by the national or state organizations. Apparently, the committee was created to change the date of annual elections from our May meeting to March, which would have necessitated a change in the bylaws. But that was a year ago and the committee hasn't come back with any recommendations. And there hasn't been any further talk of changing the date. The committee seems to have been created on a whim. So, if we decide to keep this committee, what should we do? And if we decide we don't really need this committee, then what?
  2. Our bylaws state re: the creation of standing committees: "Such other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President as the Chapter may authorize or as the National Society or the State Organization may require." I take this to mean that the members of our chapter must approve our committees by way of a majority vote at a chapter meeting, for example. The president can't create committees on her own merely by appointing members. After reading through some minutes from past meetings (written before I became a member), I found that, in the president's report to the chapter in a past meeting, a new Bylaws Committee (not a standing committee in our bylaws) had been appointed (presumably by the president?). There was no motion made or approval of the committee at the chapter meeting. Does this mean that this is not a legitimate committee? If so, what are the practical implications of this? This committee has done nothing since it was appointed many months ago, as far as I can see. What are our options? Ignore this "committee?" Create a new one via a proper motion at a chapter meeting, if we decide we need one at all? Thanks so much.
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