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Election Ballot


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Greetings. This is my first post.

What is the correct parliamentary procedure in preparing a ballot of the names of candidates running for a specific number of positions?

Are the names on the ballot listed in the order they were nominated? Or in alphabetical order? Or are incumbents listed first in order of nomination, followed by non-incumbents in order of nomination? Or other?

Please provide quotation from the Roberts Rule of Order to substantiate the answer.

Thank you for your assistance.

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What is the correct parliamentary procedure in preparing a ballot of the names of candidates running for a specific number of positions?

The ballot can be as simple as a blank piece of paper.

Beyond that, if feasible, the names of nominees could be pre-printed but space should also be provided for "write-in" votes.

As to the order in which the candidates are listed, alphabetical is the most transparent though some here will argue that candidates should be listed in the order in which they were nominated. It's basically up to each organization to work out these details.

The same goes for identifying incumbent candidates and/or those selected by the nominating committee.

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