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City Appeal Meeting and time allowed to speak

Guest Nancy

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We just had a City meeting where one of the community residences paid for an appeal. The appeal was in regards to whether Walmart should build in our town. Walmart was allowed one and a half hour to speak. The man who appealed (basically, this meeting wouldn't have happened if he hadn't appealed) was given two minutes to speak. When he protested, he had a police escort out of the building. Is there anything in the Roberts Rules that I can refer to in this regard. This doesn't seem right.

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We just had a City meeting where one of the community residences paid for an appeal.

Great Caesar's Ghost! -- There is nothing in Robert's Rules about bribery! :o

The appeal was in regards to whether Walmart should build in our town.

Walmart was allowed one and a half hour to speak.

The man who appealed (basically, this meeting wouldn't have happened if he hadn't appealed) was given two minutes to speak.

When he protested, he had a police escort out of the building.

Is there anything in the Roberts Rules that I can refer to in this regard.

This doesn't seem right.


Q. Was Mr. Walmart a member of the body which was meeting?

Q. Was the person who was escorted out a member of the body which was meeting?

Q. Was this a board meeting, or a general membership meeting?

When he protested, he had a police escort out of the building.

No, there is nothing in Robert's Rules about "police escorts."

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Is there anything in the Roberts Rules that I can refer to in this regard.

Since I take it neither the representative from Wal-Mart nor the individual who made the appeal are members of the assembly, no, there is nothing in RONR you can refer to in this regard. So far as RONR is concerned, non-members have no right to speak or even to be present, and it is entirely up to the assembly whether and how long they may speak and whether they may be present. Non-members do not need to be treated equally in this regard. If any rules were violated, it would be the customized rules and laws of your assembly, not the rules of RONR.

Great Caesar's Ghost! -- There is nothing in Robert's Rules about bribery! :o

I think it's more likely the laws of the town require some fee to be paid for this "appeal."

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This was a special City Board Meeting where the City was to here both sides of the argument, for and against. Neither Walmart, nor the person who appealed the original decision to allow Walmart to build in the town were part of the City Council. And yet, Walmart had an hour and a half to speak and the appeal side had two minutes. When this person objected, he was given a police escort.

Thank you for your response. I will look into the rules and regulations of our local board members in regards to City meetings and speakers.

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