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Censure/reprimand, and degrees of same?


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Understand that censure and reprimand are almost synonymous and are used to express the organization's disapproval of an individual's actions.

May the reprimand, include something akin to a cautionary statemement, indicating that further actions would result in more harsh disclipline? Reprimand, Reprimand with Caution, Reprimand with probation, Reprimand with fine

Reprimand with loss of minor privilege (example, like loss of docking privilege for a specified time, for spilling oil in marina. Such privilege is not a specific right of membership, and requires additional fees beyond dues.)

Or it is more proper to outline each of the punishments, along with the definitions and indicate that reprimand may be combined with or include a statement of caution, probation, fine, etc.

Board is looking for a way to create a 'menu' of potential disciplinary actions, which it hopes will give board some consistency and members better idea of possible consequences.



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May the reprimand, include something akin to a cautionary statemement, indicating that further actions would result in more harsh disclipline?

Yes, although it should be noted that this cautionary statement is not binding upon the assembly if a future case involving the individual does come before the assembly.

Reprimand, Reprimand with Caution, Reprimand with probation, Reprimand with fine Reprimand with loss of minor privilege (example, like loss of docking privilege for a specified time, for spilling oil in marina. Such privilege is not a specific right of membership, and requires additional fees beyond dues.)

Or it is more proper to outline each of the punishments, along with the definitions and indicate that reprimand may be combined with or include a statement of caution, probation, fine, etc.

Fines cannot be imposed unless they are provided for in the Bylaws, but the rest sounds fine.

Board is looking for a way to create a 'menu' of potential disciplinary actions, which it hopes will give board some consistency and members better idea of possible consequences.

I take it your Bylaws grant your board the authority to impose disciplinary actions on members? By default, that authority rests with the general membership.

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Understand that censure and reprimand are almost synonymous and are used to express the organization's disapproval of an individual's actions.

May the reprimand, include something akin to a cautionary statemement, indicating that further actions would result in more harsh disclipline? Reprimand, Reprimand with Caution, Reprimand with probation, Reprimand with fine

Reprimand with loss of minor privilege (example, like loss of docking privilege for a specified time, for spilling oil in marina. Such privilege is not a specific right of membership, and requires additional fees beyond dues.)

Or it is more proper to outline each of the punishments, along with the definitions and indicate that reprimand may be combined with or include a statement of caution, probation, fine, etc.

Board is looking for a way to create a 'menu' of potential disciplinary actions, which it hopes will give board some consistency and members better idea of possible consequences.



I would advise that you read Chapter XX of RONR(10th ed.) and familiarize yourself with the concepts contained there.

As for this "menu" of disciplinary procedures, this should be incorporated into the bylaws, and the bylaws must authorize any fines.

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As for this "menu" of disciplinary procedures, this should be incorporated into the bylaws, and the bylaws must authorize any fines.

While I agree that the fines must be authorized by the Bylaws, I'm not sure I agree that the rest of the "menu" should be incorporated into the Bylaws, particularly since it doesn't seem much different from the menu in RONR. The revocation of "minor privileges" is new, but I think that could be placed in standing rules, and RONR already covers reprimand, suspension of the rights of membership, and expulsion.

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Board is looking for a way to create a 'menu' of potential disciplinary actions, which it hopes will give board some consistency and members better idea of possible consequences.

I share Mr. Martin's concern about authorizing the board to oversee disciplinary procedures (or assuming that it already has the authority to do so).

Boards are created to act on behalf of the general membership between meetings of the general membership. That is, they act on matters that can't wait until the next regular (or special) meeting of the general membership. And while there might certainly be disciplinary actions that can't wait, I would imagine these would be rare.

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While I agree that the fines must be authorized by the Bylaws, I'm not sure I agree that the rest of the "menu" should be incorporated into the Bylaws, particularly since it doesn't seem much different from the menu in RONR. The revocation of "minor privileges" is new, but I think that could be placed in standing rules, and RONR already covers reprimand, suspension of the rights of membership, and expulsion.

Let me clarify... Disciplinary procedures that are intended to supersede RONR should be in the bylaws, as opposed to being created by a board.

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