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Correct error on Ballot

Guest Rich Branson

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Our 39 member homeowners association mailed an official ballot for the election of Board of Directors Positions with one nomimee's name spelled wrong. ( Peterson instead of Petersen ) Must this be corrected and if so how? Cannot find where this is covered in Roberts Rules of Order newly revised in Brief. Thank you for your help.

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Our 39 member homeowners association mailed an official ballot for the election of Board of Directors Positions with one nomimee's name spelled wrong. ( Peterson instead of Petersen ) Must this be corrected and if so how?

Unless there is both a "Peterson" and "Petersen" in your association (and unless they both happen to have the same first name), it should be clear who the voters intend to vote for. But you're free to make (or post) an explanatory announcement.

In reality, I suspect no one except Mr. Petersen (and Mrs. Petersen?) will notice the error.

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Our 39 member homeowners association mailed an official ballot for the election of Board of Directors Positions with one nomimee's name spelled wrong. ( Peterson instead of Petersen ) Must this be corrected and if so how? Cannot find where this is covered in Roberts Rules of Order newly revised in Brief. Thank you for your help.

"Must this be corrected?"


"... cannot find where this is covered ..."

Not RONRIB, but the full RONR, see page 402.

[excerpt, page 402]

Small technical errors, like the misspelling of a word or name,

do not make a vote illegal if the meaning of the ballot is clear.

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