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Can the indivual results of a board vote be entered into the minutes?

Guest HereInCT

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We have called a special meeting to vote on a very dividing issue amongst our membership. We are a youth sports organization and were recently provided a secondary quote on our uniforms. We have been using the same vendor for 15 years and the equipment manager is completely against switching vendors. The new vendor has quoted the exact same uniforms at a savings of $1500 to the organization.

I am of the opinion that we have a fiduciary responsiblity to the parents of the children in our organization to avoid reckless overspending.

I am looking for advice as to how Roberts Rules can be applied to support our obligation of fiscal responsibility. In addition I would like the names of all board members that voted to keep the original vendor entered into the minutes via a roll call vote. Is that possible and how do I make that happen?

Thank You!

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I am looking for advice as to how Roberts Rules can be applied to support our obligation of fiscal responsibility.

It can't be. Fiscal responsibility is not a parliamentary concern. What little RONR has to say about finances has to do with keeping and auditing the books, not with how the organization spends its money. That's up to the assembly to determine.

In addition I would like the names of all board members that voted to keep the original vendor entered into the minutes via a roll call vote. Is that possible and how do I make that happen?

Yes. When the motion is pending, move that the vote be taken by roll call. The motion is not debatable and requires a majority vote for adoption (by voice vote), unless your rules provide for a lower voting threshold.

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We have been using the same vendor for 15 years and the equipment manager is completely against switching vendors.

The new vendor has quoted the exact same uniforms at a savings of $1500 to the organization.

I am of the opinion that we have a fiduciary responsibility to the parents of the children in our organization to avoid reckless overspending.

I am looking for advice as to how Roberts Rules can be applied to support our obligation of fiscal responsibility.

In addition I would like the names of all board members that voted to keep the original vendor entered into the minutes via a roll call vote.

Is that possible and how do I make that happen?

... how Robert's Rules can be applied to support our obligation of fiscal responsibility.

You cannot use Robert's Rules of Order directly to argue, "We have an obligation to switch vendors," nor "We have a responsibility to always go with the lowest bidder."

Because, such is not the case.

Beware of saving money just for the sake of money. -- Just like buying a car, or a computer. -- The new vendor might output shoddy material, or might not support his product, or might not have any customer support. So that "bargain" might be "no bargain" by the time you get delivery of the goods.

What you can do is ordinary parliamentary procedure -- when a motion is pending, argue [in favor / against] it.

... I would like the names of all board members that voted to keep the original vendor entered into the minutes via a roll call vote.

While the motion is pending, a board member can make a motion to that effect.

E.g., "I move that when we vote on the change of vendors, we vote by roll call."

This requires a second, and requires a majority vote.

If defeated, then the vote is to be done the normal way, whatever is customary for your board.

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