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Budget Approval


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An organization is having its annual yearly meeting. The yearly operating budget is up for adoption. At the meeting the budget is not approved. What would happen next?

Well, the obvious answer is to take another vote on it, although you'll likely need to make some changes to it to get approval. These changes would be no doubt brought out by members at the meeting, perhaps in debate or through a motion to Amend, so you might have a good idea of what needs attention.

Was the budget in the hands of a committee to review it that presented it at the annual meeting?

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If your organization has no budget, then spending approval must be obtained for each expenditure. There is no rule in RONR that REQUIRES you to have a budget (your bylaws might differ). Perhaps you have an executive committee who could authorize particular spending in lieu of having a budget. However, there are issues with that, too. See Official Interpretation 2006-12


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An organization is having its annual yearly meeting.

The yearly operating budget is up for adoption.

At the meeting the budget is not approved.

What would happen next?


There is no rule in Robert's Rules of Order which implies that you must have a budget.

Indeed, countless organizations run fine without an official budget.

They just handle things meeting-to-meeting, making decisions on an ad hoc basis.

Nothing wrong with that.

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