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Amending a proposed rule change

Guest Shelly Edson

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No. Once a proposed change is moved, seconded and stated by the chairman, it belongs to the assembly and the assembly can amend the proposal. If, for example a rule were proposed that involved "...missing two consecutive meetings..." and you thought that was too severe, you could move to amend the motion by striking two and adding three. Your amendment requires a second, and debatable and requires a majority vote to pass. If passed, then the main motion becomes "...missing three consecutive meetings..."


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Ok, the reason I ask is because we have a person who was not in attendence at this meeting and she is stating that only she can be the one to "amend" any of the rule changes she proposed. We were not aware of this requirement so the members in attendance did amend some of her proposed rule changes but now she is saying that because she wasn't there, they are null and void.

The basic procedure we use when discussing proposed rule changes is this:

We discuss each one individually and if amendments are suggested, we document the amendment, vote on the amendment, and then vote on the rule change with the amendment.


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...we have a person who is stating that only she can be the one to "amend" any of the rule changes she proposed.

Your member is woefully misinformed to the point of being ignorant of the rules by which organizations operate. Whenever you hear statements like this, ask the member to cite his/her source. If she says it's in the bylaws or RONR, ask for the page and line.

The organization has the right to amend or rescind any rule adopted at any time in the past by your organization, with or without the support of the originator of the motion. The vote required to rescind/amend something previously adopted is 2/3 vote without notice, majority vote with notice, or a majority of the entire membership.


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