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Officers covering bad Financial reports

Guest May

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Our board of directors for a term of one year, the board is 15 members of which 5 are officers. We are now at our 7th month and none of our financial records presented to date at monthly meetings have been correct or approved. When minutes are read back it reflects that the president has approved them when he has no right to vote unless it is tie, which has never happened, sense the agreement is to have them corrected and re presented at the following meeting for approval. The board consists of mainly new members to the board and to the organization (the first problem, really) they have stated they do not care what our by-lays say; they will do as they see fit. I am only one voice fighting this group (previously president for several years) they ignore anything I advise them or when quoting our by-laws. I clearly believe the officers are covering for the treasure sense they will not give him a deadline to correct and present the organization financial status or bring in someone with experience to assist him. I fear this group will financially ruin our organization before the end of the year. What if any options do I have to force this board do what is right, sense I’m out voted by board and offenders. Thank you.

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You have a number of options. See FAQ#20 and OI2006-12 and -13 elsewhere on this forum.

However, your best option might be to move to instruct the Audit Committee to perform a special audit and to report its findings at the next meeting. Note that the Audit committee is usually a committee that reports to the assembly and not to the Board. approval of its report is submitted for a vote of the assembly. That motion is debatable.


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We do not have an audit committee, this task is performed by the board at the monthly meetings, as for a general membership meeting, that is controlled by the board as they have to notify the members and refuse to do so. Currently they are trying to remove me from the board as I hold to much knowledge of there wrong doings, but they have not been able to justify the action. I want to leave myself, I do not want to be involved with crocked people but fear the faith of the organization as they have somehow spent 75k with out any justifiable expenditure and won't present the financials to explain were it went.

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I want to leave myself, I do not want to be involved with crocked people but fear the faith of the organization as they have somehow spent 75k with out any justifiable expenditure and won't present the financials to explain were it went.

Call five members and have them call five members, etc. Surely the general membership meets at least once a year without having to have the meeting called by the board.

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