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Disruptive Association Member

Guest Madam Chairman

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Guest Madam Chairman

When holding an annual homeowners meeting, if during the course of the meeting one of the attending homeowners begins to speak and will not shut-up and continues to interrupt the meeting with their own idea for an agenda, can the presiding Board or the President of the Association have this person removed by legal means? (Deputy Sheriff, State Patrolman, etc.) Thanks for your help.

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When holding an annual homeowners meeting, if during the course of the meeting one of the attending homeowners begins to speak and will not shut-up and continues to interrupt the meeting with their own idea for an agenda, can the presiding Board or the President of the Association have this person removed by legal means? (Deputy Sheriff, State Patrolman, etc.)

No, neither the board nor the President has this authority (and it is the President, not the entire board, which is presiding). Since this is a meeting of the general membership, only the general membership has the authority to remove a disruptive member, by majority vote. Legal assistance is advisable. This is, of course, a last resort. See RONR, 10th ed., pgs. 626-628 for more information.

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