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Bylaws committees

Guest hughes

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I have a question about the formation of committees, specifically the Bylaws Committee. Everyone agrees that the bylaws are full of contradictions and need revising. The last Deep revision was somewhere back in the 80's with tiny tweaks since then. The Board President is not trusted by the members of the association who watch Board meetings every month which causes us serious concern about what might happen if he presides over the bylaws revision and limits Committee membership to his buddies.

We are worried that the few protections for members, will be removed and the power of the BOD will be increased including such horrors as the removal of term limits.

The membership of the Association consists of about 150 local members and a similar number of long-distance members. The Board currently refuses to give those in opposition, access to membership lists (citing privacy issues and in violation of our bylaws) and refuses to mail opinion pieces for them. Given the apathy among the distant members, we are concerned that whatever bylaws are drafted, those who care little, will just sign them without hearing any opposing viewpoints.

I've read RONR on Bylaws Committee but find no instruction on the formation and authority of the committee once the Association is formed and up and running. Can you point me to passages?


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If the president has the power to appoint all committees (e.g. as stated in your bylaws), then he/she has that power. You, the membership can reject the committee's recommendations.

If there is no stated way that committees are appointed, then move that the assembly form bylaws committee and elect 5 persons to serve as members.


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If the president has the power to appoint all committees (e.g. as stated in your bylaws), then he/she has that power. You, the membership can reject the committee's recommendations.

If there is no stated way that committees are appointed, then move that the assembly form bylaws committee and elect 5 persons to serve as members.


Our Bylaws have no stated way to appoint committees, I just checked. Would it be possible to call a special meeting of the members for the express purpose of appointing a Bylaws committee and designating its charge and authority?

Our Bylaws give us the procedure for calling special meetings of members. But they also say that the Board will manage the association. Are we stuck?

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Would it be possible to call a special meeting of the members for the express purpose of appointing a Bylaws committee and designating its charge and authority?

Our Bylaws give us the procedure for calling special meetings of members. But they also say that the Board will manage the association. Are we stuck?

Special meetings are for matters so urgent they can't wait until the next regular meeting. That may or may not describe the current state of your bylaws but it seems unlikely.

In any case, your general membership seems free to appoint a bylaws committee. As for your board "managing" your organization, see Official Interpretations 2006-12 and 2006-13.

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