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lenght of motion


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Hi All

I am new to this web site and have stumbled apon this in a search for a question that I cant seem to get an answer for. The question is are there time limits on motions? To explain a little more if a motion was made say 2 years ago is that same motion still in effect today or does it expire over a lenght of time and what is that time if it does. Any help would be great.

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The question is are there time limits on motions?

It depends on the motion but motions remain in effect until the actions authorized by the motion are completed or the motion is rescinded (or otherwise amended).

For example, a motion to paint the clubhouse red remains in effect until the clubhouse is painted red.

A motion to prohibit smoking in the clubhouse remains in effect "forever" (or until it is rescinded or otherwise amended).

A motion to prohibit smoking until 12/31/11 remains in effect until that date.

The motions that adopted the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution have remained in effect for more than two hundred years. So far.

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It depends on the motion but motions remain in effect until the actions authorized by the motion are completed or the motion is rescinded (or otherwise amended).

For example, a motion to paint the clubhouse red remains in effect until the clubhouse is painted red.

A motion to prohibit smoking in the clubhouse remains in effect "forever" (or until it is rescinded or otherwise amended).

A motion to prohibit smoking until 12/31/11 remains in effect until that date.

The motions that adopted the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution have remained in effect for more than two hundred years. So far.

Thanks Mountcastle that is what I suspected but this question has come up before in our group and it has to do with a fee that they imposed as a rent for our facility. Some members of our group myself included feel that we should let youth groups use it for free. We will have to deal with it at our next meeting.

Again Thanks

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Hi All

I am new to this web site and have stumbled apon this in a search for a question that I cant seem to get an answer for. The question is are there time limits on motions? To explain a little more if a motion was made say 2 years ago is that same motion still in effect today or does it expire over a lenght of time and what is that time if it does. Any help would be great.

The motion was adopted, yes? So, what about it might make it "expire"?

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