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Audio tape of minutes

Guest Lenna Webb

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Recently at a rather contentious and lengthy board meeting, the secretary made an audio recording of the meeting. Since prior written board minutes were incomplete and because I was verbally attacked at the meeting, I made a request to have the audio recording preserved and asked for a copy. I am the VP. Can this tape considered an official "record" of the meeting and do I have any rights regarding it's preservation and getting a copy?

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Recently at a rather contentious and lengthy board meeting, the secretary made an audio recording of the meeting. Since prior written board minutes were incomplete and because I was verbally attacked at the meeting, I made a request to have the audio recording preserved and asked for a copy. I am the VP. Can this tape considered an official "record" of the meeting and do I have any rights regarding it's preservation and getting a copy?

The secretary's audio recording is only made to assist her in preparing the (written) minutes. There's nothing official about it and no one member has a right to it.

That said, I suppose the assembly could order the recording preserved and produced. Though I think if I were the secretary I think I'd say I accidentally erased it.

It worked for Rose Mary Woods.

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Can this tape considered an official "record" of the meeting

Not by default, but the board could make it an official record if it wished to do so. Majority rules. It should be clear, however, that the tape is not a substitute for the minutes.

and do I have any rights regarding it's preservation and getting a copy?

No. You can make a motion ordering either or both of these things (majority vote), but you do not have any individual rights in this regard under RONR.

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... the secretary made an audio recording of the meeting.

... I made a request to have the audio recording preserved and asked for a copy.

Can this tape considered an official "record" of the meeting and do I have any rights regarding it's preservation and getting a copy?

No, if the tape is not yours.

Yes, if the tape is yours.

You cannot confiscate private property.

If the secretary, to use an example, used a recording machine with a tape or disc (or SD memory card, nowadays) bought with the secretary's private funds, then you cannot demand private property be taken away from the owner.

You are free to buy the property.

You are free to ask for a donation of the tape/disc/card.

You are free to ask for a loan of the equipment.

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