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Guest Tom Heebink

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Our board of 15 voted on a motion (a quorum of 10 in attendance) that passed 6 to 4. The next day a board member said they wanted to change their vote which would result in a tie. Can there be a revote of the entire board by email or must it wait for the next meeting for reconsideration of the motion.

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Can there be a revote of the entire board by email or must it wait for the next meeting for reconsideration of the motion.

You'll need to wait until the next meeting at which time any member can make a motion to rescind (or otherwise amend but not "reconsider") the adopted motion. You'll need either a two-thirds vote, the vote of a majority of the entire membership, or, with previous notice (of the motion to rescind) a majority vote. The principle being that it is harder to "undo" something than it is to do it the first time.

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Our board of 15 voted on a motion (a quorum of 10 in attendance) that passed 6 to 4. The next day a board member said they wanted to change their vote which would result in a tie. Can there be a revote of the entire board by email or must it wait for the next meeting for reconsideration of the motion.

First of all, you don't get to change your vote after the meeting is over. In fact, you don't get to change it once the vote is announced, without unanimous consent. So the motion was passed, the decision stands, and the member who wants to change their vote is out of luck. There is no such thing as a "revote", and is is too late to Reconsider the motion.

Votes by e-mail are not permitted by RONR. Are they authorized in your bylaws? If not, then they're prohibited.

At the next meeting, someone (anyone) can move (with a second) to either Rescind or Amend the previously adopted motion, providing that it has not already been carried out by then.

With previous notice (if you have time for that) it would take a majority vote to do either one. Without notice, it would take a 2/3 vote, or a majority of the entire membership of the board (i.e., 8 votes).

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