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Quarum/voting by dual office holders

Guest Cindy

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We have 16 committee members and 16 regional representatives. Some of those double as both. How do we determine quarum and how do we count votes?

A quorum is the minimum number of voting members required to be present at a meeting of a particular group. If this is not defined in the bylaws, or by other rule, per RONR it is a majority (more than half) of the members. So when the committee (of 16 members) meets, you would need at least 9 members present to satisfy the default quorum requirement. As for what group meets when the regional reps get together, same thing, and I assume it's a different assembly than the committee.

As for voting, one vote per member, no matter how many other positions that member may hold within the assembly.

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We have 16 committee members and 16 regional representatives. Some of those double as both. How do we determine quarum and how do we count votes?

The general rule is that the quorum is a majority of the members (meaning persons, not positions). If regional representatives are members of the committee, and let's say you have 10 of them who are not both, then you have 26 members, a majority of which is 14.

Each person who is a member of the committee gets only one vote.

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