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Bylaw revision, at business meeting it was said that a committee was being formed to go over bylaws, nothing said about revising them, they came bk rv

Guest andy bell

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Bylaw revision, at business meeting it was said that a committee was being formed to go over bylaws, nothing said about revising them, they came back revised is this permitted under robert's rules

Soooo many questions.

Was this a membership meeting or board meeting? Is there a bylaw committee defined in your bylaws, or was it created by motion/resolution at the meeting? Or did someone (whoever "it was said" refers to) simply declare that a committee was being formed? What do you mean by "they came back revised?" Do you mean the committee presented a revision of the bylaws at a meeting of the membership to be voted on? Or did they just go ahead and revise them and tell the membership "there, it's done, here's your new bylaws"? Did your pre-revision bylaws even contain an article on amendment, describing the process for amending them? (Note: a revision is an amendment, just a sweeping one rather than a singular fashion)

Your free-style manner of writing, coupled with a considerable degree of vagueness, makes it hard to say how RONR may apply, and if any of the rules regarding bylaw amendment were violated. Additionally, any rules on the issue that are found in your own bylaws or other governing rules will take precedence over RONR, perhaps making it inapplicable. If you provide a bit more detail, an answer will be easier to provide.

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