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amend the agenda

Guest jan

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Once the agenda for the meeting is approved and distributed, can it be "amended or altered" if deemed necessary? Basically, at our Borad of Gov's meeting last night, two police Officers that are responsible for our district/community stopped by our Country Club and offered to say hello to the Board members and residents. They were there in full uniform, just off duty and wanted to simply introduce themselves and let our Country Club (3250 units) know that they were there to assist in whatever we needed.

Our preseident denied them entry to the meeting stating that their Chief should have called him and asked to have this placed on the agenda. Could he not have altered the agenda so that the Officers could be introduced. Obviously, this would be helpful to our residents and community as a whole.

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Our preseident denied them entry to the meeting stating that their Chief should have called him and asked to have this placed on the agenda. Could he not have altered the agenda so that the Officers could be introduced. Obviously, this would be helpful to our residents and community as a whole.

It's not for the president to amend the agenda. The assembly controls its own agenda. See RONR (11th ed.), p. 372-373.

Also, the society determines which guests may attend the meeting. See RONR (11th ed.), p. 644, ll. 21-24.

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Thank you for your repsonses. This is very helpful. Should the President have brought to the attention of the Executive committee the fact that the Officrs were there and asked the Committee if they wanted to amend the agenda? The President is stating to me that it is his decision as to whether or not he brings this forward. He stopped the Officers from entering the meeting - from what is said above, he cannot do that.

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Should the President have brought to the attention of the Executive committee . . .

As this was, apparently, a meeting of the Board of Governors, the Executive committee should have nothing to do with it. As for your President, ask him to show you the rule that gives him the authority he says he has.

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Hi Edgar - the Executive committee sets the agenda, so they are the ones that can amend it - correct? Yes, this was a Board of Gov's meeting and the Ex Commitee is part of the Board of Gov's.

I like the part of him showing me the rule that gives him "ALL the authority"...

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. . . the Executive committee sets the agenda, so they are the ones that can amend it - correct? Yes, this was a Board of Gov's meeting and the Ex Commitee is part of the Board of Gov's.

The fact that the members of the executive committee are a sub-set of the members of the board does not mean that the executive committee, as such, has anything to do with meetings of the board (unless, of course, your rules say otherwise). As FAQ #14 (linked above) explains, it's the members of the body that is meeting (in this case, the board) that set the agenda.

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