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Questions: Does an appointed Parliamentarian of any organizatioin actually have to be a professional and/or registered Parliamentarian?

Do professional registered Parliamentarians have a Union?

I ask because I'm being considered for an appointment to our Union as a Parliamentarian because

I'm familiar with RONR yet our Union is somewhat concerned because that action would be circumventing another Union by appointing a member of our Union to be our Parliamentarian and NOT appointing a member of the Parliamentarian's Union if you even have one (which I don't think you do)

Any help is appreciated.

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Questions: Does an appointed Parliamentarian of any organizatioin actually have to be a professional and/or registered Parliamentarian?

No, certainly not (although many organizations require this in their rules, in which case, for them, the answer would be yes).

Do professional registered Parliamentarians have a Union?

If you find that they do, let me know. :)

I ask because I'm being considered for an appointment to our Union as a Parliamentarian because

I'm familiar with RONR yet our Union is somewhat concerned because that action would be circumventing another Union by appointing a member of our Union to be our Parliamentarian and NOT appointing a member of the Parliamentarian's Union if you even have one (which I don't think you do)

Any help is appreciated.

Good luck, and return here often with pocketfuls of questions.

Unions often have fits over such things, but that is something that the group will have to work out for itself.

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