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Nomination vs Elections committees

Guest Guest_Dorothy

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What is the exact role of the nominating committee and how does it differ from the elections committee?

At what point does the nominating committee cease in their roles? Is it when the slate has been presented before the body and the election should begin?

During an election (led by elections committee) there is a tie...twice. The voting for this position has been carried over to the next meeting (almost 30 days later). Are there specific rules to campaigning during this time, if not specific in current by-laws?

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Read RONR pp. 443 - 446.

Normally for a upcoming election, a nominating committee secures qualified persons willing to run for elected positions within the organization. RONR doesn't address election committees, this designation is defined outside of RONR.

According to RONR, after formally making its report to the assembly (before the election begins) , the nominating committee is automatically discharge. But, if one of the nominees withdraws after the report was presented and before the election, the committee is revived to make another nomination if there is time.

Rules regarding campaigning would be located outside of RONR.

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Unless the bylaws have a customized applicable rule, the assembly would repeat its voting process until the election is completed and persons are elected to office.

In a ballot election, you would keep balloting until one of the candidates receives a majority. See RONR, p. 441 (line 1 - 10).

Regarding the 30 days:

If an assembly wishes to adjourn when a election is incomplete, the election should be completed at an adjourned meeting or at its next regular meeting if that meeting takes place within a quarterly time interval.

See RONR p. 444 (line 9 - 15).

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Can you address the rules of engagement for tie's that continue until the next meeting (30 calendar later)?

And you needn't wait until the next meeting to conduct additional rounds of voting. You could have dozens of rounds the same night. The 1923 Democratic Presidential Convention took 103 ballots before a candidate was selected. Eventually some members will leave and the tie will be broken.

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