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Name change for Original Poster?

Guest Nancy N.

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On thread:

http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/21777-board-of-directors-annual-corporate-elections/ ,


I see the original poster called "doctor."  But way down around post #9, Gary Novosielski's, the original poster, named in the quotation box, is given as "-LC1765-" [please note quasi-quotes, I'm doing it from memory].


Can someone please tell me why, or how?  (It might be an oddity of my daffy bleeding-edge Web browser "-Ubuntu-".)  (The time-stamp is off an hour too, but I give up on that; it might be because of the rotation of the Earth between the poster in New Jersey and the hosting machines in Florida, or maybe Gary Novosielski has an anomalous Schwarzschild radius affecting the passage of time, &c &c, left as an exercise for the student &c &c.)

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On thread:

http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/21777-board-of-directors-annual-corporate-elections/ ,


I see the original poster called "doctor."  But way down around post #9, Gary Novosielski's, the original poster, named in the quotation box, is given as "-LC1765-" [please note quasi-quotes, I'm doing it from memory].


Can someone please tell me why, or how?  (It might be an oddity of my daffy bleeding-edge Web browser "-Ubuntu-".)  (The time-stamp is off an hour too, but I give up on that; it might be because of the rotation of the Earth between the poster in New Jersey and the hosting machines in Florida, or maybe Gary Novosielski has an anomalous Schwarzschild radius affecting the passage of time, &c &c, left as an exercise for the student &c &c.)


The actual user name of the account for the member in question is "ler7135," however, his display name (the name that actually shows up on his profile and in posts) is "doctor." It's possible to change your display name, but it would appear that the actual user name is what shows up in quoted posts. You can find out this information for a particular user by going to his profile and clicking on "View Display Name History." The oldest name will be the poster's user name - the name he used when he created his account.


The time stamp differential is presumably caused by time zone differences.

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