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Would this be an appropriate Amendment to our bylaws

Guest Eric

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Our Association's last annual meeting, unfortunately, degraded into a 'moan-fest' where the membership made a couple motions with no clear, concise direction to the Board.  The motions for the most part failed to pass when a feeble attempt to apply a resemblance of parliamentary procedure to the motions, mostly due to the ambiguity of the motions.


Our by-laws currently have not section for Parliamentary Procedure.  Would an amendment such as the one included be in Order?


  ‘                                                                                                                  Article XI

Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. Parliamentary Procedure.  The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern xxxxxxxxx in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Governing Documents and any special rules of order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx may adopt.


Section 2. Parliamentarian.  The Board of Directors shall have the authority to engage, hire, contract or otherwise employ for fee, a Parliamentarian for a period not to exceed 45 minutes before a Scheduled Call to Order to a time not to exceed 30 minutes after Adjournment, for a Meeting of Members or for a period not to exceed a Scheduled Call to Order to a time not to exceed 30 minutes after Adjournment, for a meeting of The Board of Directors..  A Parliamentarian shall advise the President of the Board of Directors on Parliamentary Procedure during the Meeting.

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Click on How Your Organization Can Adopt RONR for the language to use in designating RONR as your parliamentary authority (and see p. 580 in RONR, 11th ed., for more information). It appears that you've got it right.


Do not put anything in your bylaws concerning the employment of a parliamentarian (see pages 465-67 in RONR, 11th ed., for more information).

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