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Content of Executive Session Minutes

Guest CM

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My standard minutes format includes motions made and their outcome. What would minutes from an executive session of a disciplinary meeting contain? Following the same logic, it would contain the motion to impose the discipline and the outcome of the vote along with the standard info of who attended, the time, etc. For discipline hearings, would I need to include and other info in the minutes?

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My standard minutes format includes motions made and their outcome. What would minutes from an executive session of a disciplinary meeting contain? Following the same logic, it would contain the motion to impose the discipline and the outcome of the vote along with the standard info of who attended, the time, etc. For discipline hearings, would I need to include and other info in the minutes?

No, there is no need to include other information. Minutes for meetings held in executive session, even those for meetings concerning discipline, follow the same rules as for minutes generally.

Additionally, who attended is not part of the standard information in the minutes so far as RONR is concerned. The fact that the regular chair and secretary were present (or the names of their substitutes, in their absence) is recorded, but a full list of attendees is not.

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/5/2015 at 8:14 AM, Josh Martin said:

Additionally, who attended is not part of the standard information in the minutes so far as RONR is concerned. The fact that the regular chair and secretary were present (or the names of their substitutes, in their absence) is recorded, but a full list of attendees is not.

In a related question, if the full names and titles of the board (15 members) or executive committee (5 members) are listed at the beginning of the minutes for purpose of roll call- as is the organizational preference, must the full name and title be used every time the person is indicated as making a motion, etc.?  If not, can the minutes list the individual in the small group by first name "Robert" (often has been done this way) or need it be the more formal "Mr. Smith"?

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26 minutes ago, Guest Me. said:

In a related question, if the full names and titles of the board (15 members) or executive committee (5 members) are listed at the beginning of the minutes for purpose of roll call- as is the organizational preference, must the full name and title be used every time the person is indicated as making a motion, etc.?  If not, can the minutes list the individual in the small group by first name "Robert" (often has been done this way) or need it be the more formal "Mr. Smith"?

The minutes should use the more formal "Mr. Smith" regardless of whether full names and titles are listed at the beginning of the minutes.

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30 minutes ago, Guest Me. said:

Thank you for the clarification.  Is there anything requiring the use of titles or of first and last names?  Or would Mr. Smith be sufficient rather than President-Elect Mr. Robert Smith each time?

There is nothing which requires the use of titles or first and last names (and certainly nothing which requires the use of all of these together). Based on the sample minutes in RONR, the suggested practice seems to be to use the last name alone (Mr. Smith) or the title alone (the Treasurer). The latter is generally used when the individual is acting in the capacity of their office, as opposed to exercising their rights as an individual member.

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