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Info in minutes

Guest Katie

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Our HOA is having its annual general meeting and the minutes from the previous annual meeting were included with the notices. A member has already come forward asking that their unit # be removed from the minutes. What does Robert's Rules say about having a members name and unit # in the minutes?

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Our HOA is having its annual general meeting and the minutes from the previous annual meeting were included with the notices. A member has already come forward asking that their unit # be removed from the minutes. What does Robert's Rules say about having a members name and unit # in the minutes?


RONR says nothing about having a member's unit number in the minutes, but there are, of course, instances in which a member's name should appear in the minutes. It cannot be determined, based upon what you have posted, whether or not this is one of those instances.



When the minutes are presented for approval at the annual meeting, any member may propose a correction, and that correction may relate to having his (or anyone else's) name and unit number removed for some reason or other from wherever they appear.



By the way, if an association holds its meetings only once a year, its board (or a committee appointed for the purpose) should be authorized to approve its minutes. A year is too long a time to wait.

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