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Vacant BOD

Guest Leon Tamez

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We have 9 board members in our club, 3 have resigned.  There is no prvisions for filling these positions except that we adopted the RROO.  The president is asking if he can appoint people to fill the positions until their terms expire, or is it necessary to elect new Board members to fill the vacancies.

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We have 9 board members in our club, 3 have resigned.  There is no prvisions for filling these positions except that we adopted the RROO.  The president is asking if he can appoint people to fill the positions until their terms expire, or is it necessary to elect new Board members to fill the vacancies.

The President certainly cannot appoint people to fill the positions. The President does not have such authority unless the bylaws so provide. If the bylaws are silent, vacancies are filled by the same body which elected the position to begin with. Alternately, if the bylaws grant the board "full power and authority" to act in the name of the society between meetings of the membership, then the board could fill the vacancies.

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